Beispiel aus der Organischen Chemie, lektorat beispiel

Beispiel aus der Organischen Chemie

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    Original Datei

    Beispiel aus der Organischen Chemie, lektorat beispiel

    Bearbeitete Datei

    Beispiel aus der Organischen Chemie, lektorat beispiel


    Remark 1:
    Please check if the highlighted term should be revised to transesterification.

    Remark 2:
    Please specify the importance of a closed carbon cycle in one or two sentences for further clarity to the readers.

    Remark 3:
    Although biofuels and fossil fuels used in this study will be mentioned further in the text, it would be helpful to readers to introduce a few examples in the Introduction section to get a gist of the comparative study.


    [Explanation1]: Grammar:
    The correct form of the word (adjectival) has been used.

    [Explanation2]: Language:
    The word choice has been corrected.

    [Explanation3]: Language:
    The incorrect word has been corrected.

    [Explanation4]: Language readability:
    The sentence has been revised for readability and conciseness

    [Explanation5]: Attention to detail:
    Extra spacing between the word and the punctuation mark has been removed.

    [Explanation6]: Language:
    Revision made to maintain academic style.

    [Explanation7]: Subject area:
    A remark is conveyed to the author regarding a more apt technical term and additional content added to enhance clarity.

    [Explanation8]: Style:
    The spelling has been revised to suit American English.

    [Explanation9]: Grammar:
    The article has been removed as methanol is a noncount noun.

    [Explanation10]: Subject-area:
    The correct technical term “methanol” is used.

    [Explanation11]: Language:
    Discipline-specific revision made here.

    [Explanation12]: Attention to detail:
    Unnecessary capitalization removed.

    [Explanation13]: Language:
    Presentation revised for easy readability.

    [Explanation14]: Subject area:
    The phrase has been made concise considering the academically acceptable term.

    [Explanation15]: Attention to detail:
    Extra spaces have been deleted.

    [Explanation16]: Language:
    The sentence has been edited to add clarity and improve the sentence fluency.

    [Explanation17]: Attention to detail:
    Incorrect hyphenation deleted.

    [Explanation18]: Attention to detail:
    Extra period deleted.

    [Explanation19]: Content gap:
    Suggestions and clarifications are communicated to the author through remarks.

    [Explanation20]: Grammar:
    The singular verb has been changed to plural to match the plural subject (biofuels).

    [Explanation21]: Attention to detail:
    Spelling corrected.

    [Explanation22]: Language:
    Subject added for clarity.

    [Explanation23]: Content enhancement:
    Suggestion to the author for enhancing the content and flow of the paper.

Die im Beispieldokument aufgeführten Erläuterungen zu vorgenommenen Änderungen dienen ausschließlich der Veranschaulichung. Üblicherweise werden derartige Erläuterungen nicht in lektorierten Dokumenten aufgeführt.

Englisch Lektorat, Englisch Korrektorat, Englisch Korrektur, Englisch Korrekturlesen, Korrekturen Englisch