Beispiel aus den Sozialwissenschaften, lektorat beispiel

Beispiel aus den Sozialwissenschaften

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    Original Datei

    Beispiel aus den Sozialwissenschaften, lektorat beispiel

    Bearbeitete Datei

    Beispiel aus den Sozialwissenschaften, lektorat beispiel


    Remark 1:
    Please note that the controversial elections in Iran took place in June 2009. We advise you to revise accordingly.

    Remark 2:
    This is the first mention of the method. Please consider elaborating the idea in Section 2.


    [Explanation1]: Grammar:
    “Media” is the plural form of “medium.” The word form has been corrected.

    [Explanation2]: Punctuation:
    The incorrect comma has been deleted.

    [Explanation3]: Correctness of information:
    The author is notified of any discrepancy in facts through a remark.

    [Explanation4]: Subject area:
    There were a number of protests in Iran after the elections in 2009. Hence this noun has been made plural.

    [Explanation5]: Grammar:
    The appropriate preposition has been added here.

    [Explanation6]: Language correctness:
    The wordy phrase has been made concise.

    [Explanation7]: Language correctness:
    The correct word has replaced the awkward coinage.

    [Explanation8]: Punctuation:
    This word is not hyphenated.

    [Explanation9]: Correctness of information:
    Many social networking channels exist. The sentence has been revised accordingly.

    [Explanation10]: Language correctness:
    An appropriate word has replaced the awkward expression.

    [Explanation11]: Punctuation:
    Missing comma has been added between coordinate adjectives.

    [Explanation12]: Typographical error The error has been corrected.

    [Explanation13]: Language correctness:
    The expression has been made concise.

    [Explanation14]: Grammar “Like” has been replaced by “such as” to denote what follows are examples.

    [Explanation15]: Grammar:
    Singular count nouns take a determiner before them; an appropriate determiner “this” has been added.

    [Explanation16]: Sentence structure:
    By eliminating redundancy and using appropriate words, the sentence has been enhanced for better readability.

    [Explanation17]: Sentence structure:
    The sentence meaning is now clear with the correct structural changes and word revisions.

    [Explanation18]: Grammar:
    The definite article is required in this of-construction.

    [Explanation19]: Language correctness:
    Appropriate word choice has been used.

    [Explanation20]: Language enhancement:
    The word choice is made appropriate for academic writing.

    [Explanation21]: Technical word choice:
    The incorrect word has been replaced with the correct discipline-specific word.

    [Explanation22]: Organization The Conclusion section must not contain new information. This discrepancy has been brought to the author’s notice through a remark.

    [Explanation23]: Typographical error:
    The correction has been made.

    [Explanation24]: Language enhancement:
    The sentence mood has been revised in keeping with academic tone.

    [Explanation25]: Sentence reconstruction:
    For better sentence transition, the sentence structure and connecting word have been revised. British English spelling has been maintained and the nonrestrictive clause has been correctly punctuated.

Die im Beispieldokument aufgeführten Erläuterungen zu vorgenommenen Änderungen dienen ausschließlich der Veranschaulichung. Üblicherweise werden derartige Erläuterungen nicht in lektorierten Dokumenten aufgeführt.

Englisch Lektorat, Englisch Korrektorat, Englisch Korrektur, Englisch Korrekturlesen, Korrekturen Englisch