Beispiel aus der Wirtschaft, lektorat beispiel

Beispiel aus der Wirtschaft

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    Original Datei

    Beispiel aus der Wirtschaft, lektorat beispiel

    Bearbeitete Datei

    Beispiel aus der Wirtschaft, lektorat beispiel


    Remark 1:
    The original text was unclear; it has been revised for readability and clarity. Please check if the edit conveys the intended meaning.


    [Explanation1]: Grammar:
    A definite article has been placed before “market”.

    [Explanation2]: Grammar:
    Here the term “company” is used in the generic sense. An indefinite article has been placed before “company” to make the sentence grammatically correct.

    [Explanation3]: Language:
    The modal “must” has been replaced with “should” that indicates a recommendation/advice.

    [Explanation4]: Word Choice:
    “Expert” enhances the semantic quality of this sentence.

    [Explanation5]: Language:
    This sentence has been reconstructed in keeping with correct grammar (use of articles), word usage, and sentence structure. Thus the sentence is now distinct in meaning and concise in structure.

    [Explanation6]: Language:
    An advance edit ensures that sentences are enhanced from the structure and word usage perspective without changing the author’s intended meaning.

    [Explanation7]: Grammar:
    A comma is required when a transition word introduces a sentence.

    [Explanation8]: Grammar:
    The pronoun “it” has replaced “follower” to avoid repetition.

    [Explanation9]: Word Choice:
    Here “holding” has been replaced with the contextually appropriate word “seizing.”

    [Explanation10]: Language:
    The transition word “thus” has been added to improve logical flow of ideas.

    [Explanation11]: Language:
    The language has been made consistent by changing “pioneer” to “first-mover.”

    [Explanation12]: Language:
    This sentence required excessive reconstruction to ensure the information is presented in the most effective manner. The change has been brought to the author’s notice through remarks.

Die im Beispieldokument aufgeführten Erläuterungen zu vorgenommenen Änderungen dienen ausschließlich der Veranschaulichung. Üblicherweise werden derartige Erläuterungen nicht in lektorierten Dokumenten aufgeführt.

Englisch Lektorat, Englisch Korrektorat, Englisch Korrektur, Englisch Korrekturlesen, Korrekturen Englisch