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Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Veterinär Medizin, Biowissenschaften
Bio- und Agrarwissenschaften
Physikalische Wissenschaften und Ingenieurwesen
Publisher | Journal Details | Impact Factor | Paper Title | Author |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) | IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society | 7.900 | Aqua-Sense: Relay-based Underwater Optical Wireless Communication for IoUT Monitoring | Chung Wan-Young |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | 9.809 | Dendritic neural network: a novel extension of dendritic neuron model | Hirata Akimasa |
Wiley | Water and Environment Journal : Available online 2019 | 1.426 | Microplastics contamination in tidelands of the Osaka bay area in western Japan | Nakao Satoshi |
American Institute of Physics Inc. | AIP Advances | 1.774 | TEM observation of nitrogen-tunable bcc–bct–fcc transformation of iron-cobalt with added vanadium | Hasegawa Takashi |
Elsevier BV | Food Hydrocolloids | 6.421 | Cooperativity and nonuniformity in the viscosity-change process of rice starch in hot excess water | Yamamoto Hisashi |
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers | IEICE Electronics Express | 14.143 | Acceleration of nonequilibrium Green's function simulation for nanoscale FETs by applying convolutional neural network model | Souma Satofumi |
Ceramic Society of Japan/Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan | 1.012 | Oxide single crystals with high lithium-ion conductivity as solid electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium secondary battery applications | Kataoka Kunimitsu |
Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co. | Electroanalysis | 2.452 | Permselectivity of Gramicidin A Channels Based on Single‐Channel Recordings | Shirai Osamu |
NRC Research Press | Canadian Journal of Chemistry | 1.100 | Methiin as a nematode attractant in Allium sativum | Takada Noboru |
Elsevier Ltd. | Ceramics International | 3.446 | Unified representation of thermal conductivities for movement of electrons and lattice vibration of atoms | Hirata Yoshihiro |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 4.364 | Food-Derived Collagen Peptides, Prolyl-Hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp), and Hydroxyprolyl-Glycine (Hyp-Gly) Enhance Growth of Primary Cultured Mouse Skin Fibroblast … | Sato Kenji |
Nature Publishing Group | Polymer Journal | 2.235 | Self-assembly and hydrogel formation ability of Fmoc-dipeptides comprising α-methyl-L-phenylalanine | Ikeda Masato |
Elsevier BV | Reliability Engineering and System Safety | 5.582 | Incorporating software failure in risk analysis–Part 1: Software functional failure mode classification | Thieme Christoph |
Institute of Physics Publishing | Fluid Dynamics Research | 1.055 | A GENERIC formalism for Korteweg-type fluids. Part I. A comparison with classical theory | Suzuki Yukihito |
Elsevier BV | Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering | 2.351 | Evaluation of electron-transferring cofactor mediating enzyme systems involved in urolithin dehydroxylation in Gordonibacter urolithinfaciens DSM 27213 | Ogawa Jun |
Elsevier Ltd. | Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 5.047 | Geochemically heterogeneous Martian mantle inferred from Pb isotope systematics of depleted shergottites | Moriwaki Ryota |
Elsevier Ltd. | Ceramics International | 3.446 | Exploration of BaO–B2O3–Bi2O3 glasses as sintering aids for BaTiO3 ceramics | Segawa Hiroyo |
Elsevier Ltd. | Journal of Safety Research | 3.172 | Recognition on trigger condition of autonomous emergency braking system | Mimura Yasuhiro |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. | Journal of Nursing Management | 3.150 | Factors influencing work engagement among psychiatric nurses in Japan | Greiner Chieko |
Elsevier BV | Electrochemistry Communications | 4.548 | Nanoporous gold based electrodes for electrochemical studies of human neuroglobin | Mie Yasuhiro |
Elsevier | Tetrahedron Letters | 2.087 | Organocatalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of substituted 5-benzylfurfurals to nitroalkenes based on stereocontrol of trienamine | Miura Tsuyoshi |
Elsevier | Data in Brief | 0.921 | Data on Tougu Xiaotong capsules may inhibit p38 MAPK pathway-mediated inflammation in vitro | Asakawa Tetsuya |
International Institute of Anticancer Research | Anticancer Research | 1.955 | Association of ABC Transporter With Resistance to FK866, a NAMPT Inhibitor, in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells | Sato Akira |
Elsevier BV | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 4.189 | Monitoring the morphological evolution of giant vesicles by azo dye-based sum-frequency generation (SFG) microscopy | Momotake Atsuya |
Elsevier BV | Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics | 7.447 | GliomaDB: A Web Server for Integrating Glioma Omics Data and Interactive Analysis | Qu Hongzhu |
IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society | - | Cyclic Failure Testing of Straight-Fiber Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Optimizing Durability | Tomori Hiroki | |
Springer Verlag | Artificial Life and Robotics | 0.640 | Constructing a control system using a time–state control form for a fish-type balloon robot | Miyamae Hiroki |
BioMed Central | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders | 2.382 | The effect of low-intensity resistance training after heat stress on muscle size and strength of triceps brachii: a randomized controlled trial | Nakamura Masatoshi |
Taylor & Francis | CRANIO® | 1.116 | Determining the occlusal plane: a literature review | Mazurkiewicz Paweł |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Soft Matter | 3.636 | Chemical stimulus-responsive supramolecular hydrogel formation and shrinkage of a hydrazone-containing short peptide derivative | Ikeda Masato |
Elsevier | Radiation Physics and Chemistry | 1.767 | Thermally stable graft-type polymer electrolyte membranes consisting based on poly (ether ether ketone) and crosslinked graft-polymers for fuel cell applications | Hasegawa Shin |
Nature Publishing Group | Scientific Reports | 4.536 | C-terminal–modified LY2510924: a versatile scaffold for targeting CXC chemokine receptor type 4 | Suzuki Kentaro |
mdpi.com | Applied Sciences | 2.542 | Solvent Effects in Highly Efficient Light-Induced Molecular Aggregation | Tokunaga Eiji |
Springer Japan | Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine | 1.679 | Coal burning-derived SO2 and traffic-derived NO2 are associated with persistent cough and current wheezing symptoms among schoolchildren in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | Kanda Seiji |
Hindawi Limited | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 2.058 | Analysis of Rear-End Crash on Thai Highway: Decision Tree Approach | Ratanavaraha Vatanavongs |
Springer Verlag | Surgical Endoscopy | 3.301 | Linear or circular stapler? A propensity score-matched, multicenter analysis of intracorporeal esophagojejunostomy following totally laparoscopic total gastrectomy | Obama Kazutaka |
Institute of Physics Publishing | Nanotechnology | 3.281 | Hydrofluoric acid pretreatment effect on the formation of silicon submicrometer particles by pulsed laser melting in liquid and their optical scattering property | Koshizaki Naoto |
AVS Science and Technology Society | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics | 1.299 | Measurement of the residual stress in chromium nitride coatings deposited on an aluminum alloy substrate using arc ion plating method | Kusaka Kazuya |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. | Cytopathology | 1.677 | A study of the relationship between nuclear contour thickening, nuclear enlargement and human papillomavirus infection in squamous cells | Iijima Junko |
Elsevier BV | Chemical Physics Letters | 1.755 | Multiple Sharp Terahertz Absorption Peaks in Rhombic Sulfur Detected Using High-resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy | Yasuda Arata |
BMJ Publishing Group | Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry | 7.109 | Use of cerebrospinal fluid CXCL10 and neopterin as biomarkers in HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis treated with steroids | Sato Tomoo |
Mosby Inc. | American Journal of Infection Control | 2.184 | Increased adhesion of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus to the surface of personal protective clothing damaged by friction during nursing action | Tanabe Fuminori |
Elsevier Ltd. | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | 2.504 | An isoform-selective inhibitor of tropomyosin receptor kinase A behaves as molecular glue | Furuya Noritaka |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. | Pathology International | 1.953 | Fate of full‐house immunofluorescence staining in renal allograft: A case report | Sawada Anri |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Nutrients | 4.754 | Combined Supplementation with Glycine and Tryptophan Reduces Purine-Induced Serum Uric Acid Elevation by Accelerating Urinary Uric Acid Excretion: A … | Oshima Shunji |
American Chemical Society | Organic Letters | 6.146 | Synthesis of cis-β-Amidevinyl Benziodoxolones from the Ethynyl Benziodoxolone–Chloroform Complex and Sulfonamides | Tada Norihiro |
Nature Publishing Group | Scientific Reports | 4.536 | C-terminal–modified LY2510924: a versatile scaffold for targeting CXC chemokine receptor type 4 | Suzuki Kentaro |
Elsevier BV | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2.517 | Evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging acoustic noise reduction technology by magnetic gradient waveform control | Yamashiro Takanobu |
Japan Society of Applied Physics | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | - | Dual-colour pump-probe spectroscopy to observe the transition between polariton branches in an ultrastrongly coupled microcavity containing organic dye molecules | Tsurumachi Noriaki |
Elsevier Inc. | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2.656 | Sweet proteins lysozyme and thaumatin are protein-type agonists for the calcium-sensing receptor | Ito Keisuke |
Elsevier BV | Bioelectrochemistry | 4.187 | Bioelectrocatalytic performance of d-fructose dehydrogenase | Kano Kenji |
Elsevier BV | Journal of Microbiological Methods | 1.988 | Method for absolute quantification of microbial communities by using both microarrays and competitive PCR | Togawa Naoyuki |
SAGE Publications Inc. | Energy and Environment | 1.036 | Conjoint analysis of Japanese households' energy-saving behavior after the earthquake: The role of the preferences for renewable energy | Kinoshita Shin |
Elsevier Ltd. | Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer | 2.850 | Radiative properties of scattering media containing directionally controlled nanofibers | Gonome Hiroki |
Elsevier BV | Neuroscience Letters | 2.319 | Time course of bilateral corticospinal tract excitability in the motor-learning process | Miyaguchi Shota |
Elsevier BV | Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology | 2.654 | Acoustic Histology with Specific Dyes and Antibodies | Miura Katsutoshi |
Elsevier BV | Results in Physics | 3.068 | Color analysis based on the color indices of lightning channels obtained from a digital photograph | Shimoji Nobuaki |
Elsevier Ltd. | Applied Mathematics Letters | 3.151 | Relation between the T-congruence Sylvester equation and the generalized Sylvester equation | Kemmochi Tomoya |
Elsevier BV | Analytica Chimica Acta | 5.454 | Effects of pendant-like hydrophilic monomers on the adsorption properties of reversed-phase-type sorbents for solid-phase extraction | Teshima Norio |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 4.521 | Spherical Particle Formation Mechanism in Pulsed Laser Melting in Liquid under Controlled-Pulse-Number Irradiation Using a Slit Nozzle Flow System | Ishikawa Yoshie |
Hikari Ltd. | Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics | 0.264 | A numerical study of the bistability of a mathematical model of leech oscillator interneurons: the transient current pulse condition for inducing the switch from a periodic spiking state to a chaotic spiking state | Shirahata Takaaki |
Blackwell Publishing Inc. | Pathology International | 1.953 | Fate of full‐house immunofluorescence staining in renal allograft: A case report | Sawada Anri |
Japanese Association of Mineralogists Petrologists and Economic Geologists | Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences | 1.549 | Peak metamorphic temperature of the Nishisonogi unit of the Nagasaki Metamorphic Rocks, western Kyushu, Japan | Mori Yasushi |
Wiley-Blackwell | Journal of Food Biochemistry | 1.406 | Characterization of unique metabolites in γ‐aminobutyric acid‐rich cheese by metabolome analysis using liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry | Hagi Tatsuro |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | 5.208 | Precision Motion Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors Using Adaptive Fuzzy Fractional-Order Sliding-Mode Control | Chen Syuan-Yi |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Chemical Communications | 5.996 | Self-assembly and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of cyclic conjugated molecules on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite | Horie Masaki |
IOP Publishing Ltd. | Materials Research Express | 1.129 | Photoluminescent properties of Eu-doped ZnLiNbO4 | Huang Meng-Hsi |
Elsevier Ltd. | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | 2.106 | Friction and scratch characteristics of textured and rough surfaces using the quasi-continuum method | Lai Tang-Yu |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Micromachines | 2.344 | Optimization of Micropump Performance Utilizing a Single Membrane with an Active Check Valve | Lin Jr-Lung |
Elsevier Ltd. | Vacuum | 1.975 | Dynamic pressure monitoring in the front-end vacuum systems at the TPS facility | Shueh Chin |
Society of Cosmetic Chemists | Journal of Cosmetic Science | 0.664 | Antioxidant Ability and Stability Studies of 3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, a Cosmetic Tyrosinase Inhibitor. | Liao Wayne |
Elsevier Ltd. | Ocean Engineering | 2.784 | Bilateral propellers dynamic control for an underwater operated vehicle using a self-synchronization practical tracking controller | Kuo Chao-Lin |
Elsevier BV | Applied Mathematical Modelling | 3.066 | Self-tuning cross-coupled two degree-of-freedom PID control for position synchronization of dual linear motors | Chen Syuan-Yi |
National Institute of Industrial Health | Industrial Health | 1.748 | Mass-size distribution and concentration of metals from personal exposure to arc welding fume in pipeline construction: a case report | Yang Show-Yi |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Organic Chemistry | 4.376 | Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of α-Cyanoketones to Enones Using Diaminomethylenemalononitrile Organocatalyst | Miura Tsuyoshi |
IEEE Digital Library | 2017 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing) | - | Estimation of Emotional State in Personal Fabrication: Analysis of Emotional Motion Based on Laban Movement Analysis | Yamazaki Yoichi |
ACM Digital Library | Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Pages 559-563 | - | LyriSys: An Interactive Support System for Writing Lyrics Based on Topic Transition | Watanabe Kento |
SPIE Digital Library | Proceedings Volume 10167, Nanosensors, Biosensors, Info-Tech Sensors and 3D Systems 2017; 101671G (2017) | - | Direct-writing of copper-based micropatterns on polymer substrates using femtosecond laser reduction of copper (II) oxide nanoparticles | Mizoshiri Mizue |
Nihon Koku Uchu Gakkai | Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences | 0.310 | Dust Sensor with Large Sensitive Area Using Multi-Layer Insulation and Piezoelectric Elements | Kobayashi Masanori |
Japan Society of Atmospheric Environment | Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment | 0.861 | Model Evaluation based on a Relationship Analysis between the Emission and Concentration of Atmospheric Ammonia in the Kanto Region of Japan. | Sakurai Tatsuya |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Molecules | 3.326 | Sterepinic Acids A–C, New Carboxylic Acids Produced by a Marine Alga-Derived Fungus | Yamada Takeshi |
Elsevier | Applied Surface Science | 4.032 | Influence of pulse frequency on synthesis of nano and submicrometer spherical particles by pulsed laser melting in liquid | Sakaki Shota |
Institute of Pure and Applied Physics | Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 1.330 | Power-law Exponent in Multiplicative Langevin Equation with Temporally Correlated Noise | Morita Satoru |
Elsevier | Journal of Contaminant Hydrology | 2.441 | Groundwater nitrate remediation using plant-chip bioreactors under phosphorus-limited environment | Satake Shunichi |
Kluwer Academic Publishers | Journal of Applied Phycology | 2.861 | Catalytic conversion of Botryococcus braunii oil to diesel fuel under mild reaction conditions | Yamamoto Seiji |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | European Journal of Organic Chemistry | 2.652 | Total Synthesis of Two 8‐Oxoprotoberberine Alkaloids: Alangiumkaloids A and B | Choshi Tominari |
Oxford University Press | Microscopy (Oxford, England) | 1.635 | Precise method for measuring spatial coherence in TEM beams using Airy diffraction patterns | Yamasaki Jun |
Springer Link | Multimedia Tools and Applications for Environmental & Biodiversity Informatics | - | A Real-Time Streaming and Detection System for Bio-Acoustic Ecological Studies After the Fukushima Accident | Kobayashi Hiroki |
College of Architecture and Planning, Chung Hua University | Journal of Architecture and Planning | - | A study on the Construction and Payment Process based on building Construction Documents of the Kojima House in Sano City | Watanabe Miki |
Elsevier | Materials and Design | 5.186 | Oxidation–nitridation-induced recrystallization in a near-α titanium alloy | Kitashima Tomonori |
J-Stage | Transactions of The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering | - | Influence of High-turbidity Water on Paddy Percolation and Riverbed Seepage in an Alluvial Fan | Fujihara Yoichi |
MDPI Open Access Publishing | Materials | 3.369 | Effect of Silane Coupling Agent on Tribological Properties of Hemp Fiber-Reinforced Plant-Derived Polyamide 1010 Biomass Composites | Kajiyama Tetsuto |
Elsevier | Chemical Physics | 1.600 | Anomalous phase behavior of excess iodide in room-temperature ionic liquid: 1-methyl-3-propylimidazolium iodide | Abe Hiroshi |
Oxford University Press | Microscopy (Oxford, England) | 1.635 | Two-dimensional Gaussian fitting for precise measurement of lattice constant deviation from a selected-area diffraction map | Bearevich Raman |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Chemical Science | 8.654 | Synthesis of Os(II)–Re(I)–Ru(II) hetero-trinuclear complexes and their photophysical properties and photocatalytic abilities | Ishitani Osamu |
Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry | Analytical Sciences | 1.289 | Application and Validation of a Determination Method Using Post-column Reaction Gas Chromatography of Nitrogen-containing Organic Compounds | Watanabe Takuro |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications | 5.394 | Accurate control and characterization of Cu depletion layer for highly efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells | Nishimura Takahito |
Elsevier | Fusion Engineering and Design | 1.426 | Retention and permeation properties of deuterium in tungsten under irradiation of the D–He mixture plasma | Hayashi Tatsuya |
Chemical Society of Japan/Nippon Kagakukai | Chemistry Letters | 1.470 | Modified Conditions for Copper-catalyzed ipso-Thiolation of Arylboronic Acid Esters with Thiosulfonates | Hosoya Takamitsu |
Acoustical Society of Japan | Acoustical Science and Technology | 0.446 | Development of a narrow impedance tube to measure normal absorption coefficient and transmission loss at high frequencies around 10 kHz | Nakagawa Hiroshi |
Taylor & Francis | Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry | 1.336 | Dynamic viscoelasticity of protease-treated rice batters for gluten-free rice bread making | Honda Yuji |
J-Stage | Proceedings of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual meeting | - | Electro-optical Response of Novel Bistable mode of Twisted Direction Switching LCDs Using Dual Frequency Nematic LCs | Kudoh Yukihiro |
Elsevier | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | 4.237 | Direct numerical simulation of flow around a heated/cooled isolated sphere up to a Reynolds number of 300 under subsonic to supersonic conditions | Takayuki Nagata |
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan | IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines | 0.213 | Concept Proof of Low-Energy Consumption and Compact Ingestible Thermometer Based on Gastric Acid Power Generation | Yoshida Shinya |
Institute of Physics Publishing | Physics in Medicine and Biology | 3.086 | Development of stereotactic radiosurgery using carbon beams (carbon-knife) | Keawsamur Mintra |
Springer Link | Joint International Semantic Technology Conference | - | Semantic Graph Analysis for Federated LOD Surfing in Life Sciences | Yamaguchi Atsuko |
Elsevier | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 3.764 | Mechanism allowing large-force application by a mobile robot, and development of ARODA | Shirafuji Shouhei |
Springer Link | Geoscience Letters | 1.933 | Supercycle in great earthquake recurrence along the Japan Trench over the last 4000 years | Ikehara Ken |
Elsevier | Journal of Molecular Structure | 1.845 | Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of AgCN and AuCN | Okabayashi Toshiaki |
Elsevier | Energy | 5.835 | Battery-assisted charging system for simultaneous charging of electric vehicles | Aziz Muhammad |
IEEE Digital Library | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | 1.730 | Laser Visualization of the Development of Long Line-Type Mutli-Cell Upsets in Back-Biased SOI SRAMs | Itsuji Hiroaki |
Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) | Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2018 | - | Tracking Robustness and Green View Index Estimation of Augmented and Diminished Reality for Environmental Design | Fukuda Tomohiro |
Geological Society of America | Geology | 5.101 | Intermediate-water dynamics and ocean ventilation effects on the Indonesian Throughflow during the past 15,000 years: Ostracod evidence | Iwatani Hokuto |
IEEE | 2017 International Conference on Broadband Communication, Wireless Sensors and Powering (BCWSP) | - | Effects of pressure and nozzle angle on RPM: New turbine pico hydro nest-lie model | Jasa Lie |
Elsevier | Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | 4.261 | Non-leaky modes and bandgaps of surface acoustic waves in wrinkled stiff-film/compliant-substrate bilayers | Cao Yanping |
Elsevier | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 3.509 | Mg(Ti0.95Sn0.05)O3–(Ca0.8Sr0.2)TiO3 ceramics: Phase, microstructure, and microwave dielectric properties | Iqbal Javed |
Elsevier | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | 2.914 | In situ stress field in the FZ Block of Qinshui Basin,China: Implications for the permeability and coalbed methane production | Shen Jian |
Wiley | Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation | 1.901 | Assessing Galileo Readiness in Android Devices Using Raw Measurements | Moises Navarro-Gallardo |
Springer Link | Journal of the Korean Physical Society | 0.443 | Accurate evaluation of modulation transfer function using the Fourier shift theorem | Ryu Yeunchul |
Springer Link | Electrical Engineering | 0.392 | Ni/W/Ni ohmic contacts for both n- and p-type 4H-SiCElectrical Engineering | Dongwoo Bae |
American Chemical Society | Inorganic Chemistry | 4.645 | Origin of Both Right- and Left-Handed Helicities in a Supramolecular Gel with and without Ni2+ at the Supramolecular Level | Jung Jong Hwa |
Elsevier | Optics and Lasers in Engineering | 3.282 | Fabrication of 2D thin-film filter-array for compressive sensing spectroscopy | Kim Cheolsun |
Elsevier | Materials Letters | 2.588 | Solution-processed fabrication of perfectly (2 0 0)-oriented lead selenide thin films | Kim Hyun Sung |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 6.404 | Differential 16-QAM and 16-APSK for Uplink Massive MIMO Systems | Wei Ruey-Yi |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | IEEE Access | 4.972 | GPU-Accelerated Features Extraction From Magnetic Resonance Images | Hung Che-Lun |
Optical Society of America | Optics Letters | 3.797 | Iodine-stabilized single-frequency green InGaN diode laser | Chui Hsiang-Chen |
M Y U Scientific Publishing Division | Sensors and Materials | 0.518 | Mechanical Vibration Fault Detection for Turbine Generator Using Frequency Spectral Data and Machine Learning Model: Feasibility Study of Big Data Analysis | Lin Chia-Hung |
Springer Link | Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy | - | Direct Electronic Load Control for Demand Response in a DC Microgrid Using a Virtual Internal Impedance Screening Model and PID Controller | Lin Chia-Hung |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Societyopen access | 3.403 | Development and Fabrication of AlGaInP-Based Flip-Chip Micro-LEDs | Tarntair Fu Gow |
Optical Society of America | BMC Public Health | 3.739 | Transparent electrode design for AlGaN deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes | Wang Wei-Kai |
SAGE Publications Inc. | Applied Spectroscopy | 1.745 | Crossed Czerny–Turner Spectrometer with Extended Spectrum Using Movable Planar Mirrors | Sze Jyh Rou |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) | - | Compensation of SNR Degradation Caused by Nonlinearity of the Phase Interpolator in a Frequency-Domain Echo Canceller | Chien Ying-Ren |
SAGE Publications | High Performance Polymers | 1.061 | Block copolymer membranes based on polyetheramine and methyl-containing polyisophthalamides designed for efficient CO2 separation | Xin Fu |
Elsevier | Engineering Fracture Mechanics | 2.881 | Numerical simulation of crack propagation and branching in functionally graded materials using peridynamic modeling | cheng zhanqi |
Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS) | Journal of Information Processing Systems | 1.393 | A Deep Belief Network for Electricity Utilisation Feature Analysis of Air Conditioners Using a Smart IoT Platform. | Song Wei |
Elsevier | Optics Communications | 1.753 | Cascaded-cavity Fabry–Perot interferometer for simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain with cross-sensitivity compensation | Tian Jiajun |
Elsevier | Journal of Sound and Vibration | 3.421 | Application of an improved minimum entropy deconvolution method for railway rolling element bearing fault diagnosis | Cheng Yao |
Elsevier | Energy and Buildings | 5.079 | Dynamic modeling and validation of a liquid desiccant cooling and dehumidification system | Ou Xianhua |
Kluwer Academic Publishers | Journal of Porous Materials | 1.686 | Preparation and characterization of porous HMO/PAN composite adsorbent and its adsorption–desorption properties in brine | Qingyuan Jia |
Springer Link | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 1.104 | Investigation into the Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Tomography for Grouting Quality Evaluation | lujiangbo lujiangbo |
Elsevier | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | 2.914 | Initial porosity and compaction of consolidated sandstone in Hangjin Qi, North Ordos Basin | Xia Lu |
Elsevier | Bioresource Technology | 6.329 | Effects of digestate recirculation on a two-stage anaerobic digestion system, particularly focusing on metabolite correlation analysis | Wu Chuanfu |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | 4.621 | Three-Dimensional Feature-Enhanced Network for Automatic Femur Segmentation | Fang Chen |
Elsevier | Applied Energy | 8.514 | Comprehensive analysis of galvanostatic charge method for fuel cell degradation diagnosis | Hu Zunyan |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | 4.704 | Measurement Method for Resistive Current Components of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester in Service | Fu Zhongjun |
Royal Society of Chemistry | New Journal of Chemistry | 3.176 | Zn–Cu bimetallic catalysts supported on pure silica MCM-41 for acetylene hydration reaction | Wang Qinqin |
Elsevier | Ore Geology Reviews | 4.255 | Application and effects of singularity analysis in evaluating the denudation degree of Carlin-type gold deposits in southwest Guizhou, China | Zeng Guoping |
EUSAR 2018 | 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar | - | 3D target reconstruction based on the ISAR image sequence | Shang Shize |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Catalysts | 3.732 | Effect of Iminodiacetic Acid-Modified Nieuwland Catalyst on the Acetylene Dimerization Reaction | You Yanhe |
Springer Link | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | 1.023 | Deep-hole water injection technology of strong impact tendency coal seam—a case study in Tangkou coal mine | Liu Zhigang |
Springer Link | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | 1.134 | Model Calculations and Factors Affecting Wellbore Temperatures During SRV Fracturing | Wentao Dong |
Springer Link | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | 1.134 | Experimental Research on Stress Relief of High-Stress Coal Based on Noncoupling Blasting | Liu Zhigang |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 0.862 | Feature Selection and Overlapping Clustering-Based Multilabel Classification Model | peng liwen |
Elsevier | Ecological Modelling | 2.734 | Evaluation and improvement of the daily boreal ecosystem productivity simulator in simulating gross primary productivity at 41 flux sites across Europe | Bai Yun |
Elsevier | Composite Structures | 4.729 | Bi-material microstructural design of chiral auxetic metamaterials using topology optimization | Luo Yangjun Luo |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 0.862 | Supporting Continuous Skyline Queries in Dynamically Weighted Road Networks | Ying-feng Tang |
Nature Publishing Group | Scientific Reports | 4.644 | The effect of decreasing permafrost stability on ecosystem carbon in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau | Chen Shengyun |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. | International Journal of Climatology | 3.724 | Effects of large‐scale climate anomalies on crop reference evapotranspiration in the main grain‐production area of China | Zeqin Huang |
Elsevier | Ceramics International | 2.817 | Efficient construction of a CoCO3/graphene composite anode material for lithium-ion batteries by stirring solvothermal reaction | Shaojun Shi |
Taylor & Francis | Vehicle System Dynamics | 2.987 | Effect of vehicle vibration environment of high-speed train on dynamic performance of axle box bearing | Wang Zhiwei |
Optical Society of America | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 4.234 | A multi-point switchable and self-adaptive ultrasonic sensor using fiber Bragg gratings in a fiber ring laser | Tian Jiajun |
Spinger | Cluster Computing | - | Attribute weights-based clustering centres algorithm for initialising K-modes clustering | peng liwen |
Springer Link | Journal of Iron and Steel Research International | - | Application status and comparison of dioxin removal technologies for iron ore sintering process | Qi Shi |
Baltzer Science Publishers B.V. | World Wide Web | 2.163 | Applying uncertainty theory into the restaurant recommender system based on sentiment analysis of online Chinese reviews | Guo Junpeng |
Springer Link | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 1.150 | Simulation of cesium desorption behavior of porous nickel | Hu Weijie |
Elsevier | Information Sciences | 5.252 | An interval type-2 fuzzy TOPSIS model for large scale group decision making problems with social network information | Xinwang Liu |
MDPI Open Access Publishing | Materials | 3.369 | Model Establishment of a Co-Based Metal Matrix with Additives of WC and Ni by Discrete Element Method | Huang Guoqin |
Elsevier | Ceramics International | 2.817 | Oxidation behaviour of laminated BN/ZrB2–SiC ceramics | Chuncheng Wei |
Springer Link | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 1.977 | Discussion of the pipe flow model to analyze the critical parameter of seepage erosion forming sinkholes in Liuzhou, China | Jiang Fuwei |
Geological Society of China | Acta Geologica Sinica | 1.285 | Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis of the Niumaoquan Gabbroic Intrusion Associated with Fe‐Ti Oxide Ores in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China | Shi Yu |
American Chemical Society | ACS Applied Materials & Interface | 8.264 | Shellac Films as a Natural Dielectric Layer for Enhanced Electron Transport in Polymer Field-Effect Transistors | 지열 이 |
Elsevier | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | 1.937 | Fluorescence and afterglow of Ca2Sn2Al2O9:Mn2+ | Minoru Takemoto |
Japanese Society of Microscopy | Microscopy | 1.570 | Two-dimensional Gaussian fitting for precise measurement of lattice constant deviation from a selected-area diffraction map | Raman Bearevich |
ACS Publications | The Journal of Physical Chemistry | 2.840 | Synthesis of Few-Layer Graphene by Peeling Graphite Flakes via Electron Exchange in Solution Plasma | Saito Nagahiro |
J-Stage | Mass Spectrometry | - | Mass Spectrometry in Cosmetic Science: Advanced Ionization Techniques for Detecting Trace Molecules in or on Human Skin | Motoyama Akira |
Chemical Society of Japan | Chemistry Letters | 1.755 | Total Synthesis of (±)-Ramariolides C and D | |
Elsevier | Tetrahedron | 2.692 | Stereochemical correction and total structure of roridin J | Masaru Hashimoto |
J-Stage | journal of fiber science and technology | - | ] Polymerization and Characterization of a Bio-Based Vinyl Polymer Based on 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Including a Benzoyl Group as a Side Chain | Kasuya Natsuki |
American Meteorological Society | Journal of Climate | 4.850 | No Access Response of Tropical Cyclone Activity and Structure to Global Warming in a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model | Y Y |
Thieme | Synlett | 1.937 | Nonenzymatic Biomimetic Synthesis of Black Tea Pigment Theaflavins | Yosuke Matsuo |
Elsevier | Tetrahedron Letters | 2.231 | Enantioselective synthesis of methyl 2-[1-[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]ethyl]-4-methyloxazole-5-carboxylate by a one–pot enamide cyclization | Naoyoshi Maezaki |
ACS Publications | Journal of Chemical Education | 1.419 | Illustrating the Basic Functioning of Mass Analyzers in Mass Spectrometers with Ball-Rolling Mechanisms | R H |
Elsevier | Bioelectrochemistry | 3.565 | Factors affecting the interaction between carbon nanotubes and redox enzymes in direct electron transfer-type bioelectrocatalysis | K K |
Springer Link | Applied Physics A | 1.515 | Excitation mechanism of surface plasmon polaritons in a double-layer wire grid structure | Atsushi Motogaito |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | 3.388 | Unraveling the Mechanism and Impact of Oxide Production in LA-ICP-MS by Comprehensive Analysis of REE-Th-U phosphates | 板野 敬太 |
J-Stage | JAMSTEC-R | - | Microbial metabolism inferred from chemical and isotopic compositions of pore water around bananas 2 discovered on the deep-sea floor in the Tenryu Submarine Canyon | T T |
Royal Society of Chemistry | RSC Advances | 2.999 | Solar cell for maximizing voltage up to the level difference of two photocatalysts: optimization and clarification of electron pathway | Yasuo Izumi |
OSA Publishing | Applied Optics | 1.491 | Plasmonic wavelength demultiplexer with a ring resonator using high-order resonant modes | Huang Chia-Chih |
World Scientific Publishing Co | International Journal of Quantum Information ; Volume: 15, Number: 04 (June 2017) | 0.665 | Quantum correlations and Bell's inequality violation in a Heisenberg spin dimer via neutron scattering | Cruz Clebson Dos Santos |
J-Stage | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan | - | Fabrication of composite positive electrode sheet with high active material content and effect of fabrication pressure for all-solid-state battery | 山本 真理 |
Elsevier | Polymer ; Volume 116, 5 May 2017, Pages 506-514 | 3.660 | Structure-mechanical property relationships in crosslinked phenolic resin investigated by molecular dynamics simulation | Shudo Yasuyuki |
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engine | IEICE Electronics Express ; Vol. 14 (2017) No. 4 pp. 20161218 | 5.900 | Characteristic Analysis of Relatively High Speed, Loosely Coupled Rotating Excitation Transformers in HEV and EV drive motor excitation systems | Yong Yu |
Taylor & Francis | ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY | 2.213 | Simultaneous recovery of phosphorus and potassium as magnesium potassium phosphate from synthetic sewage sludge effluent | Nakao Satoshi |
Elsevier | Fusion Engineering and Design | 1.198 | Analytical and experimental study of the evaporation and deposition rates from a high-speed liquid lithium jet | M T |
JAMSTEC | JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development | - | Microbial metabolism inferred from chemical and isotopic compositions of pore water around bananas discovered on the deep-sea floor in the Tenryu Submarine Canyon | Toki Tomohiro |
J-Stage | IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines | 0.304 | Evaluation of a Short Microelectromechanical System Process Using a Silicon-on-Insulator Diaphragm and Anodic Bonding | Takaki Itoh |
IEICE | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | 0.191 | Inequality-Constrained RPCA for Shadow Removal and Foreground Detection | Li Hang |
IAENG | World Congress on Engineering (WCE2015) | - | A Probabilistic Model of Periodic Condition Monitoring with Imperfect Inspections | Ulansky Vladimir |
RSC Publishing | Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 3067-3070 | 6.718 | A photofuel cell comprising titanium oxide and silver(I/0) photocatalysts for use of acidic water as a fuel | Izumi Yasuo |
World Scientific Publishing Co. | International Journal of Modern Physics B; Volume 27, Issue 12, May 10, 2013 | 0.402 | Observation of New Superconductivity and Performance Improvement by Employing Cyclotron of Electron Pairs | S. I. |
Elsevier B.V. | Waste Management; Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 605-614,March 2013 | 1.193 | Effects of chemical composition of fly ash on efficiency of metal separation in ash-melting of municipal solid waste | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Hydrometallurgy; June 7, 2013 | 2.230 | Separation and Concentration of Indium from a Liquid Crystal Display via Homogeneous Liquid–Liquid Extraction | S. I. |
Plasma Research Center | Nuclear Fusion; Volume 53, Issue 7 | 4.090 | Coupling of ICRF Waves and Axial Transport of High-Energy Ions Owing to Spontaneously Excited Waves in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Journal of Materials Science; Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 920-928, January 2013 | 2.325 | Microstructure analysis of ion beam-induced surface nanostructuring of thin Au film deposited on SiO2 glass | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Physical Society | Physical Review A; Volume 87,043624 (10 pages),2013 | 2.866 | Strong-coupling expansion for the spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model | Kimura Takashi |
The Chemical Society of Japan | Chemistry Letters; 2013 | 1.587 | 1,4-Addition Reaction of 5H-Oxazol-4-ones to Allenic Esters and Ketones Catalyzed by Chiral Guanidines | M. T. |
Informa UK Limited,an Informa Group Company | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications; Volume 27,Issue 9,May 22,2013 | 2.965 | Modeling and experimental detection of resonance frequency shift of a microwave cavity caused by a small conductive particle | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Chemical Engineering Science; Volume 96, Pages 98-105, June 7,2013 | - | Decrease in the fluidization quality of fluidized beds containing binary mixtures of different catalyst particles | Takami Kai |
The Mineralogical Society | Clay Minerals; Volume 48,Issue 2,Pages 411-422,May 2013 | 2.474 | Diffusion of Cs, Np, Am and Co in compacted sand-bentonite mixtures: evidence for surface diffusion of Cs cations | Client name has been kept confidential |
Science & Engineering Research Support society | International Journal of Energy,Information and Communications; Volume 4,Issue 2,April 2013 | - | Dynamic Control and Construction Method for Multiagent Systems Based on an Evolutional Agent System | Client name has been kept confidential |
AIP Publishing LLC | Review of Scientific Instruments; Volume 84, Page 053305, 2013 | 1.367 | Photon-induced positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy using ultrashort laser-Compton-scattered gamma-ray pulses | Y. T. |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Electron spectroscopy and Related Phenomena; May 27,2013 | 1.482 | Separation of C K-NEXAFS Spectra for Layer-by-Layer Analysis of Carbon-Based Thin Films: An n-Alkane Monolayer Adsorbed on a Monolayer Graphene Substrate Grown on a Pt(111) Surface | Osamu Endo |
Elsevier B.V | Chemosphere; Volume 92,Issue 7,Pages 803-810,August 2013 | 3.206 | Accumulation of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) and implications for PCBs metabolic capacities in three porpoise species | Ochiai Mari |
American Meteorological Society | Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology; 2013 | 1.800 | Effects of synoptic-scale control on long-term declining trends of summer fog frequency over the Pacific side of Hokkaido Island | Client name has been kept confidential |
1996-2013 MDPI AG (Basel, Switzerland) | Algorithms; Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 119-135, February 18, 2013 | 1.042 | A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Computing the Maximum Common Connected Edge Subgraph of Outerplanar Graphs of Bounded Degree | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Advanced Engineering Informatics; Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 782-792, October 2012 | 1.489 | Decision-making support for sustainable product creation | Client name has been kept confidential |
ACM, Inc. | CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Pages 553-558,2013 | - | Strolling with street atmosphere visualization: development of a tourist support system | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Institute of Physics Publishing LLC | Applied Physics Letters; Volume 102,Issue 14,(4 pages),April 9,2013 | 3.787 | Suppression of vacancy aggregation by silicon-doping in low-temperature-grown Ga1−xCrxN | Yabuuchi Atsushi |
The Optical Society | Applied Optics; Volume 52, Issue 12, Pages 2694-2705, April 20, 2013 | 1.663 | Numerical simulation of digital holographic microscopy through transparent samples based on pupil imaging and finite-difference time-domain methods | Client name has been kept confidential |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Applied Superconductivity; Volume 23, Issue 3 | 1.041 | High-Throughput RSFQ Signal Processor for a Neutron Diffraction System With Multiple Detectors | S. M. |
Elsevier B.V. | CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology; Volume 62,Issue 1,Pages 311-314,2013 | 2.078 | Spiral-structured fixed-abrasive pads for glass finishing | Client name has been kept confidential |
The American Institute of Physics Publishing LLC | Journal of Applied Physics; Volume 113, Page 143908, April 12, 2013 | 2.169 | Selective magnetization switching with microwave assistance for three-dimensional magnetic recording | Terumitsu Tanaka |
J-Stage | Journal of the ceramics society of Japan; Volume 121,Issue 3,Pages 278-282,2013 | 0.736 | Effect of step edges on the growth of Pt thin filmson oxide single-crystal substrates | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Japan Society of Applied Physics | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; Volume 52,033101 (5 pages),2013 | 1.058 | Experimental Demonstration and Numerical Analysis of Microampere Gray Zone Width with Enhanced Operating Margin in Shunted Quasi-One Junction Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Comparators | M. N. |
Elsevier B.V. | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A; Volume 704, Pages 140-146, March 11, 2013 | - | Measurement of the soft X-ray response of P-channel back-illuminated CCD | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Materials Letters; Volume 99, Pages 65-67, May 15, 2013 | - | Effect of additives on tensile properties of bulk nanocrystalline Ni–W alloys electrodeposited from a sulfamate bath | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics; Volume 7,Page 28,June 7,2013 | - | Classical information theoretic view of physical measurements and generalized uncertainty relations | Kurihara Yoshimasa |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Advanced Functional Materials; June 14, 2013 | 10.179 | Extremely Low Operating Voltage Green Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Devices | H. S. |
Society of Computer Chemistry | Journal of Computer Chemistry; April 24, 2013 | - | Structure–activity Relationship Analysis for Antimicrobial Activities of Tryptanthrin Derivatives Using Quantum Chemical Calculations | Client name has been kept confidential |
Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 | Green Chemistry; Volume 15,Pages 1318-1325,March 12,2013 | 6.320 | Synthesis and Characterization of Renewable Polyester Containing Oxabicyclic Dicarboxylate Derived from Furfural | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Scientific Publishers | Materials Express; Volume 3,Issue 1,Pages 92-96(5),March 2013 | - | Coulomb blockade behavior in nanostructured graphene with direct contacts | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Japanese Society of Microscopy | Microscopy; Volume 8,Issue 5,Pages 523-536 ,May 12,2013 | 1.612 | An autofocus method using quasi-Gaussian fitting of image sharpness in ultra-high-voltage electron microscopy | Nishi Ryuji |
Cambridge University Press | Materials Research Society Symposium Online Proceedings Library; Volume 1507,2013 | - | Influence of Momentary Annealing on the Nanoscale Surface Morphology of Room Temperature Pulsed Laser Deposited NiO(111) Epitaxial Thin Films on Atomically Stepped Sapphire (0001) Substrates | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry | Analytical Sciences; Volume 29,Issue 1,Pages 127-132 ,January 10,2013 | 1.569 | Synergistic Extraction Equilibrium of Gallium(III) with Di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid and 8-Quinolinol Derivatives into Supercritical Carbon Dioxide | Ohashi Akira |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids; Volume 74,Issue 1,Pages 158-165,January 2013 | 1.417 | Thermal strain and magnetization of the ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni52Mn25Ga23 in a magnetic field | Sakon Takuo |
AIP Publishing LLC | Physics of Fluids; Volume 25,Issue 5,May 20,2013 | 1.722 | Intensified and attenuated waves in a microbubble Taylor–Couette flow | Client name has been kept confidential |
The American Institute of Physics Publishing LLC | Physics of Fluids; Volume 25, Issue 5, May 20, 2013 | 1.722 | Intensified and attenuated waves in a microbubble Taylor-Couette flow | Client name has been kept confidential |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation | Journal of Spectroscopy; Volume 2013,Article ID 459032(9 pages),2013 | 0.530 | Super-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy by Digital Image Processing | Tomita Motohiro |
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering | Assessment,Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures; Pages 82-83(2),May 6,2013 | - | Shear Resistance Mechanism of RC Column Retrofitted by using PC Bars | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C; Volume 117,Issue 14,Pages 6924-6928,March 22,2013 | 4.805 | Change in the Stable Crystal Phase of Tetra-n-butylammonium Bromide (TBAB) Hydrates Enclosing Xenon | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Acta Materialia; Volume 60,Issue 20,Pages 7232-7240,December 2012 | 3.755 | Thermoelectric properties of Ti1+xS2Ti1+xS2 prepared by CS2 sulfurization | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Archaeological Science; June 1,2013 | 2.245 | Isotopic evidence of dietary variability in subadults at the Usu-moshiri site of the Epi-Jomon culture, Japan | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Journal of Materials Science; Volume 48,Issue 5,Pages 2142-2150,March 2013 | 2.325 | Carbon-supported AuPd bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized by high-energy electron beam irradiation for direct formic acid fuel cell | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Assoc | 1.109 | X-ray radiographic technique for measuring density uniformity of silica aerogel | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | The Journal of Supercritical Fluids; Volume 79,Pages 84–91,July 2013 | 3.145 | Production of feruloylated arabino-oligosaccharides (FA-AOs) from beet fiber by hydrothermal treatment | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer Japan | Journal of Wood Science; Volume 58,Issue 6,Pages 505-512,December 2012 | 0.958 | Effect of image characteristics of edge-grain patterns on visual impressions | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Chemical Engineering Journal; Volumes 215–216, Pages 671-677, January 15, 2013 | 3.681 | Gas recycling in fluidized bed to avoid defluidization for reactions accompanied by decrease in the number of moles | Takami Kai |
The Optical Society | Journal of the Optical Society of America A; Volume 30,Issue 7,Pages 1394-1403,2013 | 1.665 | Statistical quantification of the effects of viewing distance on texture perception | Client name has been kept confidential |
Chemical Society of Japan | Chemistry Letters | 1.504 | Effects of Alkoxy Substitution on the Optical Properties of 9,10-Anthraquinone and Anthracene: 2,3,6,7-Tetrapropoxy-substituted vs. 2,6-Dipropoxy-substituted Derivatives | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Volume 257, Issue 1, 1 January 2013, Pages 171–186 | 12.098 | Recent advances in the photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide to fuels with water and/or hydrogen using solar energy and beyond | Izumi Yasuo |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Chemical Communications; 2012,48, 5022-5024 | 5.581 | Adsorption and separation of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons by a hydrogen-bonded coordination polymer | Client name has been kept confidential |
Royal Society of Chemistry | CrystEngComm; 2011,13, 6405-6414 | 4.110 | Synthesis, X-ray crystal structures and inclusion properties of a hydrogen-bonded coordination polymer [Ni(SCN)2(pppeH)2]·(guest)x | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Physical Society | Physical Review B; Accepted Wednesday May 16, 2012 | 3.772 | Effects of impurity states on exchange coupling in Fe/Fe3O4 junctions | Client name has been kept confidential |
Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers | The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Transactions on Communications; Volume E9 | 0.250 | Study of Dispersion of Lightning Whistlers Observed by Akebono Satellite in the Earths Plasmasphere | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Journal of Molecular Structure; Available online 25 April 2012 | 1.599 | Matrixisolationstudies of 185nm light-inducedcagereactions of o-chlorobenzaldehyde | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Journal of Magnetic Resonance; Volume 217, April 2012, Pages 6-9 | 3.271 | Detecting rotating magnetic fields using optically pumped atomic magnetometers for measuring ultra-low-field magnetic resonance signals | Client name has been kept confidential |
IEEE | Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011); Aug. 30 2011-Sept. 1 2011 | - | Design study of low ripple and large current dc power supply for fusion plant's superconducting magnet | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Journal of Electronic Materials; Volume 41, Number 6 (2012), 1713-1719 | 1.352 | Thin-Film Thermoelectric Modules for Power Generation Using Focused Solar Light | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Ceramics International; Volume 38, Issue 6, August 2012, Pages 4973-4977 | 1.470 | Effect of calcinationtemperature on the fabrication of transparentlutetiumtitanate by sparkplasmasintering | Client name has been kept confidential |
TMS | 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA13) | - | Fatigue and Creep Properties of Al-Si Brazing Filler Metals | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Environmental Management; Volume 110, Pages 207-214, November 15, 2012 | 3.161 | Leaching characteristics of lead from melting furnace fly ash generated by melting of incineration fly ash | Client name has been kept confidential |
Cornell University Library | Earth and Planetary Astrophysics; 20 pages | - | N-body Simulations of Satellite Formation around Giant Planets: Origin of Orbital Configuration of the Galilean Moons | O. K. |
Elsevier | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B; Volume 283, 15 July 2012, Pages 59-62 | 1.042 | Meanvelocity of 5d56p excitedtungstenatomssputtered by Kr+ionbombardment | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Fusion Engineering and Design; Available online 24 February 2012 | 1.143 | Overview of the TITAN project | Client name has been kept confidential |
IEEE Press | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and distributed system | 1.990 | A Statistical Analysis on Operation Scheduling for an Energy Network Project | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Institute of Physics | Journal of Applied Physics; 107, 033703 (2010) | 2.064 | Electronic transport behaviors of Ni–Nb–Zr–H glassy alloys | Fukuhara Mikio |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Chemical Communications; 2012, 48, 3833-3835 | 5.580 | Highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting using a thin film photoanode of BiVO4/SnO2/WO3 multi-composite in a carbonate electrolyte | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2012, 116 (12), pp 3780-3788 | 3.603 | NMR Study of Cation Dynamics in Three Crystalline States of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate Exhibiting Crystal Polymorphism | E. T. |
John Wiley & Sons | Angewandte Chemie; 3 May 2012 | 12.730 | Cyclometalated Ruthenium(II) Complexes as Near-IR Sensitizers for High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells | Client name has been kept confidential |
National Center for Biotechnology Information | Macromol Rapid Communications; 2012 Mar 21 | 3.143 | Preparation of Micron-Sized Monodisperse Poly(ionic liquid) Particles | M. H. |
American Chemical Society | Langmuir; 2012, 28 (5), pp 2523-2528 | 3.000 | " Phase-Transfer Behavior of Cross-Linked Poly(acrylic acid) Particles Prepared by Dispersion Polymerization from Ionic Liquid to Water" | M. H. |
Elsevier | Vacuum; Available online 10 March 2012 | 1.346 | Magneticproperties of carbon nanotubes filled with ferromagnetic metals | S. H. |
John Wiley & Sons | Surface and Interface Analysis; Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue) | 1.000 | Effect of geometry of a vertically aligned carbon nanotube pillar array on its field-emission properties | S. H. |
Elsevier | Phytochemistry Letters; Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2012, Pages 267–270 | 1.364 | Novel isolation of stilbenoids with enantiomeric and meso forms from a cyperus rhizome | Ito Tetsuro |
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Enginee | IEICE Transactions on Electronics; Vol. E95.C (2012) No. 2 P 213-217 | 0.470 | Design and Simulation of InP 1×N Planar Optical Switch Based on Beam Deflection | H. A. |
American Physical Society | Physical Review B; Volume 85, Issue 9, B 85, 094420 (2012) 8 pages | 3.772 | Magnetoresistance in fcc Ni/graphene/fcc Ni(111) junctions | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Organic Letters; 2012, 14 (3), pp 812-815 | 5.250 | Enantioselective Acylation of 1, 2- and 1, 3-Diols Catalyzed by Aminophosphinite Derivatives of (1S,2R)-1-Amino-2-indanol | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis; Available online 5 May 2012 | 0.840 | Quantification of 1, 3-dimethylol-5, 5-dimethylhydantoin and its decompositionproducts in cosmetics by high-performance liquid chromatography | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering; Volumes 82-83, February-March 2012, Pages 140-150 | 1.260 | Feasibility study on roller-cone bit wear detection from axial bit vibration | Client name has been kept confidential |
Inderscience Enterprises Limited | International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms; 2011, Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 121 - 131 | - | Hierarchical clustering algorithm with combined criteria for large and complex similarity data | T. K. |
IEEE | Applied Power Electronics Colloquium; Pages: 170-175 | - | Impact of double-loop controller on grid connected inverter input admittance using virtual resistor | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Chemical Society of Japan | Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan; 2012, 85 (1), pp. 61-68 | 1.540 | Control of Isomerization of Pyridinethiol–Ruthenium Complexes via External Stimuli and Factors Affecting Isomerization Behavior | H. T. |
American Institute of Physics | Journal of Applied Physics; Volume 111, Issue 7 | 2.200 | Microwave-assisted magnetic recording simulation on exchange-coupled composite medium | Tanaka Terumitsu |
Theoretical Nuclear Physics Lab | Progress of Theoretical Physics; Vol. 127, No. 2, Pages 287-301 | 1.182 | Excitation and Structure Change of 24Mg. I --- Triaxial Deformed Mean Field in Low-Lying States --- | Client name has been kept confidential |
Cornell University Library | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A; Volume 668, 11 March 2012, Pages 64-70 | 1.142 | Hydrophobic silica aerogel production at KEK | Client name has been kept confidential |
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry; Volume 25, Issue 23, pages 3481-3490, 15 December 2011 | 2.850 | Development of a simultaneous liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of type B trichothecenes, their derivatives, and precursors in wheat. | Kadota Tomoyuki |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Alloys and Compounds; 13 February 2012 | 1.960 | Quantitative analysis of three-dimensional morphology of martensite packets and blocks in iron-carbon-manganese steels | M. S. |
American Meteorological Society | Journal of Climate; Volume 24, Issue 18 (September 2011) | 3.880 | Precipitation Reproducibility over Tropical Oceans and Its Relationship to the Double ITCZ Problem in CMIP3 and MIROC5 Climate Models | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Crystal Growth and Design; 2011, 11 (12), pp 5574-5591 | 4.700 | Structural Extension from an Isonicotinic Acid Dimer to 4-(4-Pyridyl)benzoic Acid (pybenH) Dimer: X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis and Inclusion Properties of a Hydrogen-Bonded Coordination Polymer [Ni(SCN)2(py | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Alloys and Compounds; 2012, Pages: 4-7 | 1.960 | Connectivity of slip systems between different phases in ferrite–martensite dual-phase steels | M. S. |
American Institute of Physics | Physics of Fluids; Volume 23, Issue 12 | 1.720 | Direct numerical simulation of a high-Froude-number turbulent open-channel flow. | Client name has been kept confidential |
The International Academic Forum | The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom Official Conference Proceedings 2011; pp. 41-470 | - | Providing Students with Continuous Screenshots of Educational Materials | Furui Younosuke ![]() |
American Chemical Society | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 2011, 115 (39), pp 19320-19327 | 4.520 | Reaction Mechanism of Selective Photooxidation of Hydrocarbons over Nb2O5 | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Biochemistry; v.51, no.1, 2012 Jan 10, p.32-42 (ISSN: 0006-2960) | 5.140 | Evaluation of temperature effect on the interaction between [beta]-lactoglobulin and anti-[beta]-lactoglobulin antibody by atomic force microscopy | Client name has been kept confidential |
Taylor & Francis Online | Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations; 05 Oct 2011 | 0.880 | Supplier quality assessment to identify depth technical knowledge of component reliability | Tomaru Takayuki |
Springer | Virtual Reality; 2011, December 2011 | 0.290 | Interactive 3-D indoor modeler for virtualizing service fields | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Microelectronic Engineering; Volume 91, March 2012, Pages 98-101 | 0.410 | Improvement in tensile ductility of electrodeposited bulk nanocrystalline Ni–W by sulfamate bath using propionic acid | Matsui Isao |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Constructional Steel Research; Volume 70, March 2012, Pages 317-325 | 1.120 | Stress separation concept for plate buckling strength under flexural-shear and axial force | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Assoc | 1.210 | Pulse width measurement of laser Compton scattered gamma rays in picosecond range | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Tetrahedron Letters; Volume 52, Issue 38, 21 September 2011, Pages 4934-4937 | 2.620 | Synthesis of (±)-cyclic dehypoxanthine futalosine, the biosynthetic intermediate in an alternative biosynthetic pathway for menaquinones | Yajima Arata |
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | Flavour and Fragrance Journal; Volume 27, Issue 1, pages 89-94, January 2012 | 1.420 | Identification of novel malodour compounds in laundry | Client name has been kept confidential |
Institute of Physics Publishing | Journal of Physics, Conference Series; Volume 400 , Issue 1, 2013 | 13.069 | Gutzwiller study of phase diagrams of extended Bose Hubbard models | Takashi Kimura |
IEEE | Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 2011 IEEE 33rd International; Issue Date: 9-13 Oct. 2011 | - | Accelerated ageing testing and cycle life prediction of supercapacitors for alternative battery applications | Uno Masatoshi |
IEEE | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; Volume: 59 , Issue: 12, Page(s): 4704 - 4712 | 3.820 | Accelerated Charge–Discharge Cycling Test and Cycle Life Prediction Model for Supercapacitors in Alternative Battery Applications | Uno Masatoshi |
Elsevier B.V. | Advanced Powder Technology; (August 2011) | 0.970 | Continuous production of hydroxyapatite powder by drip pyrolysis in a fluidized bed | Nakazato Tsutomu |
Nature Publishing Group | Scientific Reports (2011); Volume: 1,Pages: 1-7 | - | Hyperthermic effects of dissipative structures of magnetic nanoparticles in large alternating magnetic fields | Mamiya Hiroaki |
Springer | Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2012, Volume 6940/2012, 119-138 | - | Join Token-Based Event Handling: A Comprehensive Framework for Game Programming | Nishimori Taketoshi |
American Physical Society. | Physical Review B; Volume 84, Issue 18 | 3.770 | Analytical expression for the spin-transfer torque in a magnetic junction with a ferromagnetic insulator. | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Materials Letters; (July 2011) | 0.660 | Fabrication of transparent Lu3NbO7 by spark plasma sintering | Client name has been kept confidential |
MDPI Publishing. | Molecules 2011; 16(10), 8815-8832 | 2.410 | Studies on the Synthesis of DMAP Derivatives by Diastereoselective Ugi Reactions. | Mandai Hiroki |
Springer | Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics; Volume 12, Number 3 (2011), 167-174 | - | A simplified recipe for assigning amide NMR signals using combinatorial 14N amino acid inverse-labeling | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin; Vol. 59 (2011) No. 9 P 1194-1196 | 1.620 | Two New Cytotoxic Phenylallylflavanones from Mexican Propolis | T. Y. |
Elsevier | Chemical Engineering Journal 2011; Volume 173, Issue 2, Pages 627-635 | 3.074 | Kinetic and Raman spectroscopic study on catalytic characteristics of carbon blacks in methane decomposition | Kameya Yuki ![]() |
World Scientific Publishing Co. | Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (JPP); Volume: 16, Issue: 2(2012), pp. 210-217 | 1.160 | Concentration-dependent aggregation of water-soluble phosphorus porphyrin in an aqueous solution | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Japan Society of Applied Physics | IEICE Transactions on Electronics; Vol.E94-C, No.12, pp.1913-1916 | 0.470 | Improvement of Turn-On Voltage by Thermal Annealing of a Tungsten Single Emitter Coated with a Carbonaceous Film Deposited in Liquid Methanol | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | KES'11 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Knowledge-based and intelligent information and engi | - | Ontology-based knowledge navigation platform for intelligent manufacturing | Fujiwara Reiko |
IEEE | Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions; Issue Date: Oct. 2011, Volume: 60 Issue:8 | 1.490 | Single-Switch Cell Voltage Equalizer Using Multistacked Buck-Boost Converters Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode for Series-Connected Energy Storage Cells | Uno Masatoshi |
Elsevier B.V. | Entertainment Computing; Volume 3, Issue 2, May 2012, Pages 19-25 | - | Join Token: A language mechanism for programming interactive games | Nishimori Taketoshi |
Elsevier B.V. | Vibrational Spectroscopy; Volume 57, Issue 2, November 2011, Pages 275-281 | 1.140 | NIRspectroscopicstudy of the dissolutionprocess in pharmaceuticaltablets | H. Y. |
Elsevier | Journal of Molecular Structure; Volume 1001, Issue 1, Pages 83-88 | 1.599 | Hydrogen-Bonding Structures and Glass Transitions in 1,2-Propanediamine Mixed with Inorganic Salts | Client name has been kept confidential ![]() |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Molecular Structure; Volume 1001, Issues 1-3, 24 August 2011, Pages 83-88 | 1.600 | Hydrogen-bonding structures and glass transitions in 1,2-propanediamine mixed with inorganic salts | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Materials Science and Engineering: B; Volume 177, Issue 2, 15 February 2012, Pages 283-288 | 2.610 | Pyrolysis of amine-intercalated lithium vanadates applicable as an oxygen-preferential adsorbent | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Chemistry of Materials; 2011, 23 (15), pp 3564-3570 | 6.400 | Role of Acidic Pretreatment of Layered Silicate RUB-15 in Its Topotactic Conversion into Pure Silica Sodalite | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Thin Solid Films; Volume 520, Issue 6, 1 January 2012, Pages 1847-1850 | 1.410 | Preparation of LaRuO3 films by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. | Client name has been kept confidential |
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland | Advanced Materials Research; Volumes 430 - 432, Pages 1241-1247 | - | Characteristics of Wall Thickness Increase in Pipe Reduction Process using Planetary Rolls | Kotani Yuji |
American Physical Society | Physical Review B; Vol. 81, Issue 1 | 3.772 | Acoustic phonons and a central mode in the protonic conductor K3H(SeO4)2 | Shikanai Fumihito |
Elsevier | Journal of Power Sources; Volume 196, Issue 23, 1 December 2011, Pages 9884–9889 | 4.283 | Pt/C catalyst degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells due to high-frequency potential cycling induced by switching power converters | Uno Masatoshi |
The Japan Petroleum Institute | Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute; Vol. 55, (2012), No. 1, p. 33-39 | 0.690 | Dehydrogenation of n-Butane to Butadiene over Pt–Sn/MgO–Al2O3. | Miura Hiroshi |
Elsevier | Tetrahedron Letters; Volume 52, Issue 32, 10 August 2011, Pages 4158-4160 | 2.618 | Asymmetric Michael additions of aldehydes to maleimides using a recyclable fluorous thiourea organocatalyst | Miura Tsuyoshi |
Elsevier B.V. | Fusion Engineering and Design; Volume 86, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 2886-2890 | 1.140 | Discussion on heat transfer correlation in turbulent channel flow imposed wall-normal magnetic field | Client name has been kept confidential |
John Wiley & Sons | ChemInform; Volume 42, Issue 52, December 27, 2011 | - | Direct Asymmetric Aldol Reactions in Water with a beta-Aminosulfonamide Organocatalyst | Miura Tsuyoshi |
Elsevier B.V. | Food Chemistry; Volume 127, Issue 3, 1 August 2011, Pages 1385-1390 | 3.920 | Simultaneous analysis of acidulants and preservatives in food samples by using capillary zone electrophoresis with indirect UV detection | Client name has been kept confidential |
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry | Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry; 2011, 75(8):1413-7 | 1.500 | Post-translational isoprenylation of tryptophan. | O. M. |
IOP Publishing | Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering; Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 035003 (2012) | 0.300 | Predicting active slip systems in β-Sn from ideal shear resistance | Kinoshita Yusuke |
IEICE | IEICE Transactions on Communications; Vol.E94-B, No.12, pp.3346-3353 | 0.300 | Reference Signal Transmission Schemes for Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission for 3GPP LTE-Advanced | Hoshino Masayuki |
Elsevier B.V. | Microporous and Mesoporous Materials; 147, (2012), 194-199 | 3.260 | Effect of organic groups on hydrogen adsorption properties of periodic mesoporous organosilicas | Kubo Masaru |
Elsevier | Polymer; (October 2011) | 1.360 | Synthesis of Poly[2]catenane Having Rigid Linkage by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Diazido[2]catenane with 4,4’-Diethynylbiphenyl | Hagiwara Toshiki |
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) | World Congress; Volume 18, Part 1 | - | Iterative Design Using IMC for Input Time-Delay Systems with Disturbance Observer | A. N. |
IEEE | Computer and Information Technology (CIT); Page(s): 571 - 578 | - | Machine Learning Approach to the Power Management of Server Clusters | Ohta Satoru |
Elsevier | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological; Volume 45, Issue 9, November 2011, Pages 1314-1330 | 2.000 | Platoon-Based Traffic Flow Model for Estimating Breakdown Probability at Single-Lane Expressway Bottlenecks | Shiomi Yasuhiro |
Elsevier B.V. | Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences; Volume: 17, pp 591-610, 2011 | - | Platoon-based Traffic Flow Model to Estimate Stochastic Traffic Capacityon Freeway Bottlenecks | Shiomi Yasuhiro |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2011,13, 18481-18484 | 3.450 | Effective control of gas hydrate dissociation above the melting point of ice | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Japan Society of Applied Physics | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; 50 (2011), (4 pages) | 1.060 | Interference Phenomena Observed on an Atomic Force Microscope Cantilever by Laser Confocal Microscopy | Yanagiya Shin-ichiro |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited | International Journal of Web Information Systems; Volume 7, issue 4 , pp.360 - 380 | - | Result-reconstruction method to return useful XML elements | Client name has been kept confidential |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited | International Journal of Web Information Systems; Volume 7 (4): 21 | - | Result‐reconstruction method to return useful XML elements | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Journal of Chromatography A; Volume 1218, Issue 43, 28 October 2011, Pages 7850-7856 | 4.194 | Simple method for the simultaneous quantification of medium-chain fatty acids and ethyl hexanoate in alcoholic beverages by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector: Development of a direct injection method | Takahashi Kei |
AVS Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A; Volume 29, Issue 4, (6 pages) | 1.286 | Measurement and simulation of spreading current in interlayer dielectric film deposition by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition | Matsunaga Noriaki |
Elsevier | Fuel; Volume 94, April 2012, Pages 274–279 | 3.602 | Removal of nitric oxide by activated ammonia generated by vacuum ultraviolet radiation | Kambara Shinji ![]() |
Elsevier | Journal of Power Sources (June 2011); Volume 196, Issue 20, Pages 8755-8763 | 4.634 | Development and on-orbit operation of lithium-ion pouch battery for small scientific satellite “REIMEI” | Uno Masatoshi |
The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Volume 421, Issue 1, pages 588-607, March 2012 | 3.810 | Impact of protostellar outflow on star formation: effects of the initial cloud mass | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Optical Society | Optics Letters; Vol. 36, Issue 7, pp. 1254-1256 (2011) | 2.630 | Saturated absorption spectroscopy of acetylene molecules with an optical nanofiber | Takiguchi Masato |
Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn | 35th Annual Symposium of IABSE / 52nd Annual Symposium of IASS / 6th International Conference on Space Structu | - | Minimum Cost Design Solution of Optimization Program in Steel Framework Design for Buildings | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Physical Society | Physical Review A; Volume 84, Page 063630, March 16, 2011 | 2.866 | Gutzwiller study of extended Hubbard models with fixed boson densities | Takashi Kimura |
Optical Society of America | Optics Letters; Vol. 36, Issue 8, pp. 1470-1472 (2011) | 2.630 | Efficient 521 nm all-fiber laser: splicing Pr3+-doped ZBLAN fiber to end-coated silica fiber | O. H. |
IOP Publishing | Measurement Science and Technology; Volume 22, Number 6 | 1.530 | Micro-PIV (micro particle image velocimetry) visualization of red blood cells (RBCs) sucked by a female mosquito | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Ceramics International; Volume 37, Issue 7, September 2011, Pages 2263-2267 | 1.470 | Effects of ball milling and post-annealing on the transparency of spark plasma sintered Lu2O3 | Client name has been kept confidential |
IEEE | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics; Volume: 47 , Issue: 10, Page(s): 3550 - 3553 | 0.760 | Sensitivity Improvement of Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free Atomic Magnetometers by Hybrid Optical Pumping of Potassium and Rubidium | Ito Yosuke |
Oxford University Press | Briefings in Bioinformatics; 2012 Mar,13(2):258-68 | 7.400 | Tutorial videos of bioinformatics resources: online distribution trial in Japan named TogoTV. | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Challenges at the Interface of Data Analysis, Computer Science, and Optimization; 2012, pp 59-67 | - | Effect of data standardization on the result of k-means clustering | T. K. |
Japanese Geotechnical Society | Soils and Foundations; ISSN 0038-0806, 2011, vol. 51, pp. 483-496 | 0.550 | Uplift Capacity of Belled and Multi-Belled Piles in Dense Sand | Client name has been kept confidential |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Neural Computation 23; 3070-3093 (2011) | 2.940 | Estimation of Time-Dependent Input from Neuronal Membrane Potential | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 2011 Sep 14, 59(17):9049-53 | 2.820 | Intramolecular carbon isotope distribution of acetic acid in vinegar. | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Meteorological Society | Journal of Climate; 24, 4859–4873 | 3.882 | Precipitation Reproducibility over Tropical Oceans and Its Relationship to the Double ITCZ Problem in CMIP3 and MIROC5 Climate Models | Hirota Nagio |
Elsevier B.V. | Physics Letters A; Volume 375, Issue 14, 4 April 2011, Pages 1566-1569 | 1.230 | Mixed-mode oscillations and chaos from a simple second-order oscillator under weak periodic perturbation | K. S. |
Springer | Biomolecular NMR Assignments; 2011 Oct, 5(2):207-10, Epub 2011 Mar 24 | 0.700 | 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignment of the first PDZ domain of mouse ZO-1. | Client name has been kept confidential |
IOP Publishing | Metrologia; Volume 48, Number 2 | 1.684 | Volume measurements of 28Si spheres using an interferometer with a flat etalon to determine the Avogadro constant | Kuramoto Naoki |
American Chemical Society | Journal of American Chemical Society; 2011, 133 (9), pp 2860–2863 | 9.019 | Sodium or Lithium Ion-Binding-Induced Structural Changes in the K-Ring of V-ATPase from Enterococcus hirae Revealed by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy | Furutani Yuji ![]() |
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA | European Journal of Organic Chemistry; Volume 2011, Issue 16, Pages 2948–2957, June 2011 | 3.206 | Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Stachyflin: A Potential Anti-Influenza A Virus Agent Isolated from Microorganism | Katoh Tadashi ![]() |
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology. | Food Science and Technology Research; Volume:18, Pages:259-262 | 0.440 | Identification of Phenolic Compounds in Aquilaria crassna Leaves Via Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectroscopy | Ito Tetsuro |
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | X-Ray Spectrometry; Volume 40, Issue 4, pages 301-305, July/August 2011 | 1.349 | Determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in water by wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry after preconcentration with an ion-exchange resin disk | Inui Tetsuo |
Elsevier | Tetrahedron Letters; Volume 52, Issue 5, 2 February 2011, Pages 581-583 | 2.620 | Total synthesis of (+)-eupomatilone 2 via asymmetric [2,3]-Wittig rearrangement of highly oxygenated biphenylmethyl ethers | Maezaki Naoyoshi ![]() |
Clay Science Society of Japan | Clay Science; Vol.15, No.2 (2011) | - | Ten-year interaction of carbon steel coupon and compacted bentonites | Ueno Kenichi |
IOP Publishing | Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Volume 304, Number 1 | - | Toxicity test: Fluorescent silicon nanoparticles | Fujioka Kouki |
IEICE | IEICE Transactions on Communications; Vol.E94-B No.3, pp.813-817 | 0.300 | Bootstrap Node-Centered Proximity Identifier Selection for Structured Overlays in Private Networks | Client name has been kept confidential |
IOP Publishing | Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; Volume 11, Number 5 | 3.510 | Fabrication of quantum-dot devices in graphene | Client name has been kept confidential |
ACS Publications | Journal of Physical Chemistry B - Condensed Phase; Volume:114, Issue:28, Pages:9201-9208. | 4.420 | Effects of Methylation at the 2 Position of the Cation Ring on Phase Behaviors and Conformational Structures of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids. | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Meteorological Society | Journal of Climate; Volume 24, Issue 18 (September 2011) | 3.880 | Precipitation Reproducibility over Tropical Oceans and Its Relationship to the Double ITCZ Problem in CMIP3 and MIROC5 Climate Models | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects; Volume 384, Issues 1-3, 5 July 2011, Pages 38 | 2.240 | Size-controlled fabrication of gold nanodome arrays and its application to enzyme electrodes | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Surface Analysis Society of Japan | Journal of Surface Analysis; Vol.18, No. 1 (2011), pp. 2−6 | - | Evaluation of the Ni Diffusion to the Surface of Au Plating for Soldering Process Control | T. M. |
Japan Explosives Society | Science and Technology of Energetic Materials; Vol.71, No.3 (2010) | - | Application of polytetrahydrofuran as a plasticizer of HTPB binder | Kohga Makoto |
American Chemical Society | Optics Express; Vol. 18, Issue 25, Pp. 26583-26599 (2010) | 3.749 | Modeling mode characteristics of transverse anisotropic waveguides using a vector pseudospectral approach | Huang Chia-chien |
Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan | IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Volume 6, Issue 3, pages 289-291, May 2011 | 0.320 | Real-time word lip reading system based on trajectory feature | Saitoh Takeshi |
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA | ChemInform; Volume 42, Issue 14, Page No, April 5, 2011 | - | ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of (E)-1-Benzyloxy-3-fluoro-1,3-butadiene (I): A Novel Fluorinated Diene for Diels—Alder Reactions. | Usuki Yoshinosuke |
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA | Physica Status Solidi (c); Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages 1455–1458, May 2011 | - | Depth profile of residual strain in free-standing GaN substrates measured by cross-sectional micro-reflectance spectroscopy | Yamaguchi Atsushi |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Physical Chemistry B; vol.114, no. 28, pp. 9201-9208, 2010 | 3.600 | Effects of Methylation at the 2 Position of the Cation Ring on Phase Behaviors and Conformational Structures of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; Volu | 1.210 | In vitro degradation properties of ion-beam irradiated poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid) mesh | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B; Volume 269, Issue 19, p. 2130-2132. | 1.040 | In vitro degradation properties of ion-beam irradiated poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid) mesh | Client name has been kept confidential |
Maney | International Journal of Cast Metals Research; Volume 24, Number 2, April 2011, pp. 124-126(3) | 0.418 | Lining of cast iron cylinder with copper alloy utilizing high temperature oxidation | Yamazaki Toshinari ![]() |
Springer | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology; March 2011 | 1.879 | Reversible Inhibition of Esterase Activity After Separation and Immobilization | Shimazaki Yoji |
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers | Journal of Fluid Science and Technology; Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 432-446 (2010) | - | Numerical Study of a Four-Roll Coating System. | Tsuda Takeaki |
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | Physica Status Solidi (c); Special Issue: 9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in C | - | Intraband relaxation process in highly stacked quantum dots. | Client name has been kept confidential |
Hindawi Publishing Corporation | International Journal of Aerospace Engineering; Volume 2010, Article ID 364859, 11 pages | 0.780 | Computational Study of Effects of Nondimensional Parameters on Synthetic Jets | Okada Koichi |
The Society of Rheology,Japan | Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi; Vol. 38, (2010), No. 4_5 (combined issue), P 223-230 | 0.260 | Coating Flows of Power-Law Non-Newtonian Fluids in Slot Coating. | Tsuda Takeaki |
Springer | Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves; Volume 31, Issue 10, Pp.1205-1211 | 0.824 | Flight Model Performance of 640-GHz Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor Mixers for JEM/SMILES Mission | Kikuchi Kenichi |
American Institute of Physics | Journal of Applied Physics; 108, 053718 (2010); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3481095 (5 pages) | 2.060 | Deep levels affecting the resistivity in semi-insulating 6H–SiC | Client name has been kept confidential |
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA | Physica Status Solidi (C); Volume 5, Issue 9, Pages 2719–2721, July 2008 | - | Growth of GaAs1–xBix/GaAs multi-quantum wells by molecular beam epitaxy | Client name has been kept confidential |
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA | ChemInform; Volume 41, Issue 47, November 23, 2010 | - | ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of A-Site Ordered Perovskites ACu3Co4O12 (A: Ca and Y). | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Institute of Physics | Physics of Plasmas; 17, 082510 (2010) | 2.250 | A convergence study for the Laguerre expansion in the moment equation method for neoclassical transport in general toroidal plasmas | N. S. |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of the European Ceramic Society; Volume 31, Issues 1-2, January-February 2011, Pages 237-240 | 2.270 | Highly transparent lutetium titanium oxide produced by spark plasma sintering | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of Chromatography B; Volume 878, Issue 28, 15 October 2010, Pages 2852-2856 | 3.000 | Simultaneous production of immunoaffinity membranes | Client name has been kept confidential |
Fuji Technology Press Co,. Ltd. | Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics; Vol.15, No.1, pp.102-109, 2011 | - | Heuristic Algorithm for Attribute Reduction Based on Classification Ability by Condition Attributes. | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Inorganic Chemistry; 2010 Nov 15, 49(22), Pages 10680-6 | 4.325 | Formation of diaryl telluroxides and tellurones by photosensitized oxygenation of diaryl tellurides. | Oba Makoto ![]() |
The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research | Plasma and Fusion Research; Volume 5, S2063 (2010) | - | Recent Progress in Low-A RFP Plasma Research in RELAX | Sanpei Akio |
Elsevier B.V. | Materials Letters; Volume 64, Issue 20, 31 October 2010, Pages 2151-2154 | 0.660 | SiC–SiO2 nanocomposite films prepared by laser CVD using tetraethyl orthosilicate and acetylene as precursors. | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2010, 114 (28), pp 9201–9208 | 3.603 | Effects of Methylation at the 2 Position of the Cation Ring on Phase Behaviors and Conformational Structures of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids | Nishikawa Keiko |
American Chemical Society. | Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2010 Jul 22, 114(28):9201-8 | 3.600 | Effects of methylation at the 2 position of the cation ring on phase behaviors and conformational structures of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. | Client name has been kept confidential |
The American Astronomical Society | The Astrophysical Journal; 719:873-880, 2010 August 10 | 6.020 | A New Galactic Extinction Map of the Cygnus Region | Client name has been kept confidential |
Kyoto Institute of Technology | 1st International Workshop on Bismuth - Containing Semiconductors:Theory, Simulation, and Experiment; July 14 – | - | Present status and future prospects of Bi-containing semiconductors | Yoshimoto Masahiro |
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry | Analytical Sciences; [0910-6340], Yr:2010, Vol:26, Iss:6, Pg:719 | 1.430 | Development of a Simple and Low-cost Device for Fluorometric Determination of Selenium in Water Samples | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Ceramic Society of Japan | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan; Vol. 118, (2010), No. 1380, (August), P 631-635 | 0.920 | Synthesis and properties of BiScO3–PbTiO3 powders and thin films using metal-organic precursor solutions | Wataru Sakamoto |
Elsevier | Journal of Molecular Structure; Volume 981, Issues 1-3, 24 September 2010, Pages 173-178 | 1.599 | Comparative dielectric study of monohydric alcohols with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy | Yomogida Yoshiki |
The Japan Society of Applied Physics | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; 49 (2010) 070212 (3 pages) | 1.020 | Field Emission from a P-Type Silicon Single Emitter Sharpened by Focused Ion Beam Milling Field Emission from a P-Type Silicon Single Emitter Sharpened by Focused Ion Beam Milling. | Client name has been kept confidential |
The Japan Society of Applied Physics | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; vol.49, no.7, 2010 | 1.020 | Field Emission from a P-Type Silicon Single Emitter Sharpened by Focused Ion Beam Milling | Client name has been kept confidential |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc | Letters in Applied Microbiology; Volume 51, Issue 1, pages 119 - 121, July 2010 | 1.647 | Chlorine inactivation of human norovirus, murine norovirus and poliovirus in drinking water | Kitajima Masaaki |
Railway Technical Research Institute | Journal of the Transportation Research Board; Pp 220-226, 2010-11, Volume: 51, Issue Number: 4 | - | Aerodynamic Noise Reduction in Pantographs by Shape-smoothing of the Panhead and Its Support and by Use of Porous Material in Surface Coverings | Sueki Takeshi ![]() |
IEEE | Journal of Applied Physics; Aug 2010, Volume 108, Issue 3, pages 033703 - 033703-3 | 2.064 | Thermoelectric properties of LaFeAsO 1-y at low temperature | Kihou Kunihiro |
Elsevier B.V. | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; Volume 389, Issue 21, 1 November 2010, Pages 4580-4603 | 1.470 | The relativistic kinetic dispersion relation: Comparison of the relativistic Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook model and Grad’s 14-moment expansion | T. M. |
American Chemical Society | Inorganic Chemistry; 2010, 49 (18), Pp 8298–8304 | 4.325 | Oxygen Close-Packed Structure in Amorphous Indium Zinc Oxide Thin Films | Masuno Atsunobu ![]() |
The Ceramic Society of Japan. | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan; 118 [7] 571-574 2010 | 0.920 | Antimicrobial effect of porcelain glaze with silver-clay antimicrobial agent | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Chemical Society | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 2010 Jun 23;58(12):7115-8 | 2.820 | Measurement of the isotope ratio of acetic acid in vinegar by HS-SPME-GC-TC/C-IRMS. | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta; Volume 73, Issue 14, 15 July 2009, Pages 4100-4110 | 4.510 | Structure and dynamics of water on muscovite mica surfaces | Sakuma Hiroshi |
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | Color Research & Application; Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages 53-58, February 2012 | 0.910 | Optical implementation of spectral filtering for the enhancement of skin color discrimination | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Talanta; Volume 81, Issues 1-2, 15 April 2010, Pages 657-663 | 3.722 | Rapid and simple immunosensing system for simultaneous detection of tumor markers based on negative-dielectrophoretic manipulation of microparticles | Yasukawa Tomoyuki |
Elsevier B.V. | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Volume 183, Issue 1-2, p. 44-62. | 1.880 | Electrical conductivity imaging of the Philippine Sea upper mantle using seafloor magnetotelluric data | Client name has been kept confidential |
American Physical Society | Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics); Vol. 80, Issue 6 | 2.040 | Neutron decay from the giant resonance via the B10(e,e'n) reaction | Saito Teijiro |
The American Physical Society | Physical Review E; Issue 6, 066304 (2009) [9 Pages] | 2.352 | Noise-controlled pattern formation and threshold shift for electroconvection in the conduction and dielectric regimes | Huh Jong-Hoon |
AIP Publishing LLC | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures; Volume: 28 , Issue: 2, Pag | 1.340 | Field emission from diamond micropowders with sharp edges | Client name has been kept confidential |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2009, 11, 9766-9771 | 3.450 | Water-solubilization of alkyloxo(methoxo)porphyrinatoantimony bromides | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Tetrahedron Letters; Volume 50, Issue 35, 2 September 2009, Pages 5053-5055 | 2.618 | Facile synthesis of unsaturated pyroglutaminol derivatives | Oba Makoto |
Optical Society of America | Optics Express; Volume 17, Issue 16, Page 14132 | 3.749 | Recording and reading temperature tolerance in holographic data storage, in relation to the anisotropic thermal expansion of a photopolymer medium | Tanaka Tomiji |
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA | Chemistry - A European Journal; Volume 15, Issue 38, Pages 9911–9917, September 28, 2009 | 5.476 | Asymmetric [2,3]-Wittig rearrangement of oxygenated allyl benzyl ethers in the presence of a chiral di-tBu-bis(oxazoline) ligand: A novel synthetic approach to THF lignans | Maezaki Naoyoshi |
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute | Earthquake Spectra; Volume 25, Issue 2, Pp. 347-360 (2009) | 3.744 | Experiments of earthquake early warning to expressway drivers using synchronized driving simulators | Maruyama Yoshihisa |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Catalysis Science & Technology; 2011, 1, 1490-1495 | 0.590 | Size-dependent catalytic activity and geometries of size-selected Pt clusters on TiO2(110) surfaces | W. Y. |
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers | Journal of Biomedical Optics; Volume 14, Issue 6 | 3.188 | Multidistance probe arrangement to eliminate artifacts in functional near-infrared spectroscopy | Yamada Toru |
Mineralogical Society of America | American Mineralogist; July, V. 94, No. 7, Pages 1018-1028 | 2.026 | Cathodoluminescence characterization of tridymite and cristobalite: Effects of electron irradiation and sample temperature | Nishido Hirotsugu |
John Wiley & Sons | Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry; Volume 24, Issue 22, pages 3290–3296, 30 November 2010 | 2.846 | Charge-state-derivation ion detection using a super-conducting nanostructure device for mass spectrometry | Ohkubo Masataka |
Seismological Society of America | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; May 2009, V. 99, No. 2B, P. 1174-1180 | 2.027 | Research and development status of a new rotational seismometer based on the flux pinning effect of a superconductor | Takamori Akiteru |
Elsevier | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; Volume 33, Issue 22, November 2008, Pages 6792-6799 | 4.053 | Hydrogen oxidation in H2/O2/N2 gas mixture by pulsed DBD at atmospheric pressure | Kambara Shinji |
Elsevier | Applied Catalysis A: General; Volume 357, Issue 2, 15 April 2009, Pages 244-249 | 3.383 | Role of metals loaded on a TiO2 surface in the oxidation of xylene in air using an electron beam irradiation/catalytic process | Hakoda Teruyuki |
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | Information and Media Technologies; Vol. 4 (2009), No. 2, Pp.647-654 | - | Electric field distributions generated by wearable device using simplified whole human body models | Fujii Katsuyuki |
Japan Society of Applied Physics | Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics; Volume 46, Issue 10A, Pp. 6860 (2007) | 1.018 | Experimental Mechanical Stress Characterization of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems Device Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Combined with Raman Spectrometer System | Yamaguchi Makoto |
Elsevier | Journal of Power Sources; Volume 193, Issue 2, 5 September 2009, Pages 788-796 | 4.283 | Development and demonstration flight of a fuel cell system for high-altitude balloons | Uno Masatoshi |
American Institute of Physics | Applied Physics Letters; Volume 94, Issue 20 | 3.820 | Theoretical investigation on polarization control of semipolar-oriented InGaN quantum-well emission using (Al)InGaN alloy substrates | Yamaguchi Atsushi |
Optical Society of America | Optics Express; Vol. 16, Issue 7, Pp. 4785-4796 (2008) | 3.749 | Evaluation of effective electric permittivity and magnetic permeability in metamaterial slabs by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy | Minowa Yosuke |
Japan Science and Technology Agency | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; Vol.45, No.12, Page.9180-9184(2006) | 1.018 | Effective surface area of SnO2-sputtered films evaluated by measurement of physical adsorption isotherms | Yamazaki Toshinari |
Elsevier | Carbohydrate Research; Volume 343, Issue 5, 7 April 2008, Pages 848-854 | 1.898 | Thermochemical transformation of glucose to 1,6-anhydroglucose in high-temperature steam | Kaga Harumi |
Elsevier | Information Sciences; Volume 177, Issue 21, 1 November 2007, Pages 4727-4744 | 2.833 | A grey-based rough approximation model for interval data processing | Yamaguchi Daisuke |
American Geophysical Union | Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans; Vol. 114, C06007, 13 Pp., 2009 | - | Synoptic flow structures in the confluence region of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current | Nagano Akira |
Elsevier BV | Information Systems | 3.180 | Enterprise sellers’ satisfaction with business-to-business cross-border E-commerce platforms: Alibaba.com as an example | Yang Jhong-Min |
Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Managementm + Sozialwissenschaften und freie Künste
Publisher | Journal Details | Impact Factor | Paper Title | Author |
MDPI Open Access Publishing | Sustainability | 2.396 | Household Energy Consumption Behaviour for Different Demographic Regions in Thailand from 2000 to 2010 | Moongraksathum Benjawan |
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | Child Psychiatry & Human Development | 2.301 | Timing of Family Adversity During Adolescence and its Impact on Alcohol and Tobacco Initiation: A Longitudinal Study Among Taiwanese Adolescents | Hsu Yu-Tien |
Wiley-Blackwell | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources | 1.265 | Bullying bystander reactions: a case study in the Taiwanese workplace | Wu Shu Hua |
Public Library of Science | PLoS ONE | 3.344 | Inappropriate self-medication among adolescents and its association with lower medication literacy and substance use | Lee Chun-Hsien |
Taylor and Francis Online | Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance | 0.990 | The Critical Role of Workplace Inclusion in Fostering Innovation, Job Satisfaction, and Quality of Care in a Diverse Human Service Organization | Michalle Mor Barak |
PROJECT Innovation | College student journal | - | HEXACO Personality Traits and Resilience among Japanese Female University Students | Kato Daiki |
IGI Global | Handmade Teaching Materials for Students With Disabilities | - | Effects of Tangible Teaching Materials According to Evaluation of Cognitive Development | Tatematsu Eiko |
Evergreen | Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy | - | Social Factors Affecting Innovation Cycle of Liquid Crystal Technologies : A Japanese Case Study | Narazaki Yu |
Taylor and Francis Online | Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies | - | Strategies, Dynamics, and Outcomes of Hezbollah’s Military Intervention in the Syrian Conflict | Kota Suechika |
School of Economics and Management Research Center for Future Design Kochi University of Technology | Social Design Engineering Series | - | Becoming Sympathetic to the Needs of Future Generations:A Phenomenological Study of Participation in Future Design Workshops | Nakagawa Yoshinori |
Taylor & Francis | Water International | 1.900 | A cooperative framework for optimizing transboundary hydropower development | Bhagabati Seemanta Sharma |
Dove Medical Press Ltd | Psychology Research and Behavior Management | 2.783 | Coping as a mediator of the relationship between stress mindset and psychological stress response: a pilot study | Yoneda Kenichiro |
University of Chicago Press | The Journal of Legal Studies | - | Does Reason Writing Reduce Decision Bias? Experimental Evidence from Judges in China | Liu Zhuang |
EconJournals | International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | 1.257 | Impacts of Oil Price Shock on Sector Returns with Regime-Switching Approach: New Evidence from Indonesian Stock Market | Dharmawan Mohammad Arief |
DergiPark | International Journal of Research in Education and Science | - | School Emphasis on Academic Success and TIMSS Science/Math Achievements | Badri Masood |
American Scientific Publishers | Advanced Science Letters | 0.192 | Design of Maker-Based STEAM Education with Entry Programming Tool | Jin-Ok Kim |
Science and Education Publishing | Journal of Finance and Economics | - | Assessing the Growth Effect of Common Currency Adoption: Synthetic Control Approach | Chen Ling-Yu |
Canadian Center of Science and Education | Asian Social Science | 0.454 | Emptiness and the Eight Consciousnesses: Toward a DeeperUnderstanding of Intuitive Judgment | Liao Jen-Sheng |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) | - | A project-based learning design for teaching and learning of mechatronics engineering: The riderless bicycle as an application | Hsuan Nieh Tsung |
Elsevier | The journal of sexual medicine | 3.139 | 407 Study of Correlation between family values and opinion regarding surrogacy among Taiwanese | Yang Shu-Ling |
Scientific Journal Publishers Limited | Social Behavior and Personality | - | The Influence of Consumer Mindset and Corporate Social Responsility on Purchase Intention | Li-jing MAO |
Elsevier | Computers in Human Behavior | 4.975 | Peer victimization and adolescent Internet addiction: The mediating role of psychological security and the moderating role of teacher-student relationships | Jia Jichao |
John Wiley & Sons Inc. | Color Research and Application | 0.988 | Apparel color preferences for different regions in China: The connection to personal values | xue xing |
Oxford University Press | European Journal of Public Health | 2.465 | Activation of older patients through PRACTA intervention for primary healthcare doctors. Does the method matter? | Marta Rzadkiewicz |
ARC Publications | International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature | - | New description of an interrogative as a noun: the case of a/the why(s) | 井上 亜依 |
lap lambert academic publishing | Book | - | Misery of Concepts; Foundations of Controversies Relating to the Conceptualization of Social Capital | Odaci Luiz Corradini |
Fuji technology Press | Journal of Disaster Research | 0.404 | District Continuity Plans for Large-Scale Disaster Coordination; Case Study in Kagawa District | 磯打 千雅子 |
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (I | Asian and African Languages and Linguistics; No.6, 2011 | - | Reduplication in Tok Pisin―Forms, Functions and Uses― | Nose Masahiko |
ESTP | Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice | 0.290 | Evaluation of Turkish Grammar Instruction Based on Primary School Teachers’ Opinions | ANILAN Hüseyin |
Elsevier B.V. | Economic Modelling; Volume 33, Pages 458-461, July 2013 | 0.787 | Does the use of multiple FTAs force firms to raise local input share?: Evidence of the spaghetti bowl phenomenon | Client name has been kept confidential |
Canadian Center of Science and Education | International Journal of Economics and Finance; Volume 5, issue 6, 2013 | 0.333 | Energy-Saving Technological Change and the Great Moderation | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier B.V. | Journal of public economics; June 6,2013 | 2.196 | Strategy-proofness and stability of the Boston mechanism: an almost impossibility result | Taro Kumano |
Business Perspectives | Investment Management and Financial Innovations; Volume 10, Issue 1, 2013 | - | Systematic risk measurement in the global banking stock market with time series analysis and CoVaR | Client name has been kept confidential |
Industrial Research Institute | Research technology management; Volume 56,Issue 3,Pages 41-48(8),May-June 2013 | 0.712 | Exploring Characteristics and Motives of Consumer Innovators: Community Innovators vs. Independent Innovators | Pongtanalert Kritinee |
IUCN OSG | IUCN Otter Specialist Group; Volume 28 B,Pages 85-90,30 August - 4 September 2011 | - | Recovery of the Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra in Korea and the Change in Public Attitude | Kim Hyeonjin |
Acoustical Society of America | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; Volume 132,Issue 5,Pages 3484-3493(10 pages),September 17, 2012 | 1.550 | Prevalence of absolute pitch: A comparison between Japanese and Polish music students | Kenichi Miyazaki |
National Institute of Informatics | Japan Society for Educational Technology; 35(3), 279-287, 2011-12-20 | - | Exploring the Mechanism of the Effects of Presenting a Rubric and Fact Patterns | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Evolution: Education and Outreach; 2012 | - | Improved “Origami Bird” Protocol Enhances Japanese Students’ Understanding of Evolution by Natural Selection: a Novel Approach Linking DNA Alteration to Phenotype Change | Y. T. |
Kyoto University of Education | Bulletin of Kyoto University of Education; No.119 (2011) p.113-122 | - | Transformation of and Prospects for Educational Anthropological Studies in Postwar Japan | Client name has been kept confidential |
Institute for Tourism | Tourism - An International Interdisciplinary Journal; Volume 59, 2011, Number 3 | - | Onto emerging ground: Anticlimactic movement on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela | Client name has been kept confidential |
Springer | Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Volume 19, Number 2 (2012), 285-293 | 2.610 | Behavioral evidence for format-dependent processes in approximate numerosity representation | Tokita Midori |
Springer | Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction Techniques and Environments; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume | 4.730 | Eye-Movement-Based Instantaneous Cognition Model for Non-verbal Smooth Closed Figures. | Takahashi Yuzo |
Springer | Journal of Remanufacturing 2011 | - | An Analysis of remanufacturing practices in Japan | Matsumoto Mitsutaka |
Socio-Economic History Society | Socio-Economic History; 76 (4), 571-591, 2011 | - | 中華民国期華北における機械製粉業 | Client name has been kept confidential |
Labome | Shinrigaku Kenkyu; 2012 Feb, 82(6):554-9 | - | Individual differences in strategy use in the Japanese reading span test | E. K. |
Keio/Kyoto Joint Global COE Program | Keio Business Review; No.46, 2011, pp.1-23 | - | Revisiting Japanese Lifetime Employment System: Financial Performance Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks | Okamoto Daisuke |
Taylor and Francis | International Journal for Academic Development; January 2012, Pages: 1-15 | - | Structured strategy for implementation of the teaching portfolio concept in Japan | K. K. |
Springer | Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Volume 18, Number 3 (2011), 550-556 | - | Temporal information affects the performance of numerosity discrimination: Behavioral evidence for a shared system for numerosity and temporal processing. | Tokita Midori |
Elsevier | Journal of Cleaner Production; Volume 18, Issue 13, September 2010, Pages 1284-1299 | 2.425 | Development of a simulation model for reuse businesses and case studies in Japan | Matsumoto Mitsutaka |
Elsevier | Journal of Cleaner Production; Volume 17, Issue 17, November 2009, Pages 1547-1555 | 2.425 | Business frameworks for sustainable society: A case study on reuse industries in Japan | Matsumoto Mitsutaka |
Japan Society for Occupational Health | Journal of Occupational Health; 52(1), 39-47, 2010-01-01 | 1.740 | Interactive Model of Subsidiary Behaviors, Work Performance and Autonomic Nerve Activity during Visual Display Terminal Work | Client name has been kept confidential |
Elsevier | Social Science & Medicine; Volume 67, Issue 6, September 2008, Pages 971-981 | - | Relationship of socioeconomic status to C-reactive protein and arterial stiffness in urban Japanese civil servants | Saijo Yasuaki |
Singapore University Press | Journal of Southeast Asian Studies; February 2008 | - | Food supply problem in Leyte, Phillippines, during the Japanese occupation (1942-44) | Ara Satoshi |