- Diabetologie Metabolismus Endokrinologie Vyziva
- Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel
- Diachronica
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Diagnostic Cytopathology
- Diagnostic Histopathology
- Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
- Diagnostic Molecular Pathology
- Diagnostic Pathology
- Dialisis y Trasplante
- Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine
- Dialysis and Transplantation
- Diatom Research
- Die Medizinische Welt
- Die Naturwissenschaften
- Die Rehabilitation
- Differentiation; research in biological diversity
- Digestion
- Digestive and Liver Disease
- Digestive Diseases
- Digestive Diseases and Sciences
- Digestive Endoscopy
- Digestive Surgery
- Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing
- Disability and Health Journal
- Disability and Rehabilitation
- Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology
- Disability and Society
- Disaster medicine and public health preparedness
- Disease Markers
- Disease-a-Month
- Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
- Diseases of the Esophagus
- Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
- DNA and Cell Biology
- DNA Repair
- DNA Research
- Documenta Ophthalmologica
- Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany
- Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences
- Doklady Biological Sciences
- Domestic Animal Endocrinology
- Douleur et Analgesie
- Douleurs
- Down syndrome, research and practice
- Droit, Deontologie et Soin
- Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin
- Drug Benefit Trends
- Drug Delivery: Journal of Delivery and Targeting of Therapeutic Agents
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