- International Journal of Epidemiology
- International Journal of Essential Oil Therapeutics
- International Journal of Experimental Pathology
- International Journal of Fertility and Women's Medicine
- International Journal of Food Engineering
- International Journal of Food Microbiology
- International Journal of Food Properties
- International Journal of Food Science and Technology
- International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
- International Journal of Fruit Science
- International Journal of Geomechanics
- International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
- International Journal of Gerontology
- International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
- International Journal of Gynecological Pathology
- International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
- International journal of health care quality assurance incorporating Leadership in health services
- International Journal of Health Promotion and Education
- International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management
- International Journal of Hematology
- International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
- International Journal of Hyperthermia
- International Journal of Immunogenetics
- International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology
- International Journal of Impotence Research
- International Journal of Infectious Diseases
- International journal of injury control and safety promotion.
- International Journal of Intensive Care
- International Journal of Laboratory Hematology
- International Journal of Legal Medicine
- International Journal of Low Radiation
- International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
- International Journal of Medical Informatics
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology
- International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
- International Journal of Medical Sciences
- International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine
- International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
- International Journal of Medicine
- International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
- International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
- International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine
- International Journal of Morphology
- International journal of nanomedicine
- International Journal of Neural Systems
- International Journal of Neuroprotection and Neurogeneration
- International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
- International Journal of Neuroscience
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