- Angeborene Herzfehler (Congenital heart disease)
- Angehörigenpflege (Family nursing)
- Angewandte Chemie (Applied Chemistry)
- Angewandte Ethik (Applied ethics)
- Angewandte Informationswissenschaften (Applied Information Sciences)
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- Angewandte Psychologie (Applied psychology)
- Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft (Applied Lingustics)
- Anlagentechnik (Systems engineering)
- Anorganische Chemie (Inorganic Chemistry)
- Anthropologie (Anthropology)
- Anthropologie der Religion (Anthropology of religion)
- Anthrozoologie (Anthrozoology)
- Apiologie (Apiology (or melittology))
- Approximationstheorie (Approximation theory)
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- Arachnologie (Arachnology)
- Arakologie (Acarology)
- Arbeits- und Gesundheitspsychologie (Occupational health psychology)
- Arbeitsmarkt (Labor Economics)
- Arbeitsrecht (Labor Law)
- Archäogenetik (Archaeogenetics)
- Archäologie (Archeology)
- Archäologie des Nahen Ostens (Near Eastern archaeology)
- Architektur (Architecture)
- Archivwesen (Archival Science)
- Aryuveda (Ayurveda)
- Asienwissenschaften (Asian studies)
- Assoziative Algebra (Associative algebra)
- Ästhetik (Aesthetics)
- Astrobiologie (Astrobiology)
- Astrophysik (Astrophysics)
- Athmosphärische Wissenschaften (Atmospheric sciences)
- Atom, molekulare und optische Physik (Atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
- Augenheilkunde (Ophthalmology)
- Außenwirtschaftstheorie (International economics)
- Automatentheorie (Formale Sprachen) (Automata theory (Formal languages))
- Automatisierte Argumentation (Automated reasoning)
- Bakteriologie (Bacteriology)
- Bankwesen (Banking)
- Baumzucht (Arboriculture)
- Beobachtende Astronomie (Observational Astronomy)
- Berater Ausbildung (Counselor education)
- Berechenbarkeitstheorie (Computability theory)
- Berechnungstheorie (Theory of computation)
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