- Chirurgische Onkologie (Surgical oncology)
- Cloud computing (Cloud computing)
- Computational Archäologie (Computational archaeology)
- Computational Geometry (Computational geometry)
- Computational Linguistics / Natürliche Sprachverarbeitung (Computational Lingustics/Natural language processing)
- Computational Mathematics (Computational Mathematics)
- Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) (Computer Aided Engineering (CAE))
- Computer Software (Computer Software)
- Computer und Gesellschaft (Computer and society)
- Computer-Architektur (Computer architecture)
- Computer-Hardware (Computer Hardware)
- Computer-Netzwerke (Computer Networking)
- Computergrafik (Computer Graphics)
- Computerphysik (Computational physics)
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- Darstellungstheorie (Representation theory)
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- Das politische Verhalten (Political behavior)
- Data-Mining (Data mining)
- Datenbanken (Database)
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- Datenmanagement (Data management)
- Datenstrukturen (Data structures)
- Deliktrecht (Torts)
- Demografie / Bevölkerung (Demography/Population)
- Der Grundschulunterricht (Elementary education)
- Dermatologie (Dermatology)
- Diachronische Sprachwissenschaft (oder Historische Sprachwissenschaft) (Diachronic linguistics (or Historical linguistics))
- Diagnostische Immunologie (Diagnostic immunology)
- Diätetik (Dietetics)
- Didaktik der Chemie (Chemistry education)
- Die Geschichte der Philosophie (History of philosophy)
- Die menschliche Evolution (Human evolution)
- Die menschliche Sexualität (Human sexuality)
- Die öffentliche Politik (Public policy)
- Die Queer Studien / Queer Theorie (Queer studies/Queer theory)
- Differential-Algebra (Differential algebra)
- Differentialgeometrie (Differential geometry)
- Differentielle Psychologie (Differential psychology)
- Differentielle-Topologie (Differential topology)
- Digitale Forensik (Digital Forensics)
- Digitale Geisteswissenschaften (The Digital Humanities (Humanities computing))
- Digitale Pathologie (Digital Pathology)
- diplomatische Geschichte (Diplomatic history)
- Dipterologie (Dipterology)
- Diskrete Geometrie (Discrete geometry)
- Diskursanalyse (Discourse Analysis)
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