- Musikalische Darbietung (Music performance)
- Musikerziehung (Music education)
- Musikethnologie (Ethnomusicology)
- Musiktheorie (Music theory)
- Musikwissenschaft (Musicology)
- Mykologie (Mycology)
- Myrmekologie (Myrmecology)
- Mythologie und Folklore (Mythology and folklore)
- Nacherntebereich (Postharvest Physiology)
- Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft (Sustainable Agriculture)
- Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung (Sustainable forest management)
- Nanomaterial (Nanomaterials)
- Nanotechnik (Nanoengineering)
- Nanotechnologie (Nanotechnology)
- Naturheilkunde (Naturopathy)
- Naturschutzgenetik (Conservation genetics)
- Naturstoffchemie (Natural Products chemistry)
- Nematologie (Nematology)
- Nephrologie (Nephrology)
- Neuroanatomie (Neuroanatomy)
- Neurochirurgie (Neurosurgery)
- Neuroendokrinologie (Neuroendocrinology)
- Neuroinformatik (Computational neuroscience)
- Neuromedizin (Neuromedicine)
- Neuronale Netze (Neural networks)
- Neuroökonomie (Neuroeconomics)
- Neuropharmakologie (Neuropharmacology)
- Neurophysiologie (Neurophysiology)
- Neuropsychiatrie (Neuropsychiatry)
- Neuropsychologie (Neuropsychology)
- Neurowissenschaften (Neurosciences)
- Newtonische Dynamik (Newtonian dynamics)
- Nichteuklidische Geometrie (Non-Euclidean geometry)
- Nichtlineare und Statistische Physik (Nonlinear and Statistical physics)
- Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) Verwaltung (Non-governmental organization (NGO) administration)
- Non-assoziative Algebra (Non-associative algebra)
- Non-Standard-Analyse (Non-standard analysis)
- Noncommutative Geometrie (Noncommutative geometry)
- Nonverbale Kommunikation (Nonverbal communication)
- Notfall Psychiatrie (Emergency psychiatry)
- Notfallmedizin (Emergency Medicine)
- Nukleinsäuren Forschung (Nucleic Acid Research)
- Numerische Analyse (Numerical Analysis)
- Obstbaukunde (Pomology)
- Obstetrik (Obstetrics)
- Öffentliche Finanzen (Public finance)
- Öffentliche Gesundheit (Public Health)
- Öffentliche Gesundheitswesen Management / Verwaltung (Public health management/administration)
- Öffentliche Soziologie (Public sociology)
- Öffentliche Verwaltung (Public administration)
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