- Phytogenetik (Plant genetics/Phytogenetics)
- Phytopathologie (Plant pathology/Phytopathology)
- Phytophysiologie (Plant physiology/Phytophysiology)
- Phytotomie (Plant anatomy/Phytoanatomy)
- Plasma Physik / Chemie (Plasma Physics/Chemistry)
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- politische Studien (Policy studies)
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- Polymerwissenschaften und Technik (Polymer science and Engineering)
- Populationsgenetik (Population genetics)
- Positive Psychologie (Positive psychology)
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- prähistorische Archäologie (Prehistoric archaeology)
- Präventivmedizin (Preventive Medicine)
- Praxisbezogene Gemeinschaft (Community practice)
- Primärversorgungsepidemiologie (Primary care epidemiology)
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- Psychiatrische Genetik (Psychiatric genetics)
- Psychiatrische Krankenpflege (Psychiatric and mental health nursing)
- Psychische Gesundheit (Mental health)
- Psychologie des Abnormen (Abnormal psychology)
- psychologische Anthropologie (Psychological anthropology)
- Psychologische Beratung (Counseling psychology)
- Psychometrie (Psychometrics)
- Psychophysik (Psychophysics)
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- Qualitätssicherungstechnik (Quality assurance engineering)
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- Quantenchemie (Quantum chemistry)
- Quantenphysik (Quantum Physics)
- Quantitative Genetik (Quantitative genetics)
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