- Palliativpflege (Palliative Care)
- Parajuristische Studien (Paralegal studies)
- Parallelalgorithmen (Parallel algorithms)
- Parallelitätstheorie (Concurrency theory)
- Parallelrechner (Parallel computing)
- Parapsychologie (Parapsychology)
- Parapsychologie und okkulte Wissenschaften (Parapsychology and occult sciences)
- Parasitologie (Parasitology)
- Parodontologie (Periodontics)
- Partielle Differenzialgleichungen (Partial differential equations)
- Pedologie (Pedology)
- Pedologie (Edaphology)
- Perinatologie (Perinatology)
- Perioperative Pflege (Perioperative nursing)
- Permakultur (Permaculture)
- Personelle Ressourcen (Human Resources)
- Persönlichkeitspsychologie (Personality psychology)
- Pervasives Computing (Ubiquitous computing)
- Pestizide und Düngemittel (Pesticides and Fertilizers)
- Petrologie (Petrology)
- Pflanzenbiochemie (Plant Biochemistry)
- Pflegeausbildung (Nursing education)
- Phänomenologie (Phenomenology)
- Pharmakodynamik (Pharmacodynamics)
- Pharmakoepidemiologie (Pharmacoepidemiology)
- Pharmakogenomik (Pharmacogenomics)
- Pharmakognosie (Pharmacognosy)
- Pharmakokinetik (Pharmacokinetics)
- Pharmakotherapie (Pharmacotherapy)
- Pharmazeutische Chemie (Pharmaceutical chemistry)
- Pharmazeutische Forschung (Pharmaceutical Research)
- Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie (Pharmaceutical microbiology)
- Pharmazeutische Toxikologie (Pharmaceutical toxicology)
- Pharmazie (Pharmaceutics)
- Philologie (Philology)
- Philosophie des Geistes (Philosophy of mind)
- Philosophie von Raum und Zeit (Philosophy of space and time)
- Philosophische Traditionen (Philosophical traditions)
- Philosophy der Aktion (Philosophy of Action)
- Phonetik (Phonetics)
- Phonologie (Phonology)
- Phykologie (Phycology)
- Phylogenese (Phylogenetics)
- Phylogenetische Informatik (Computational phylogenetics)
- Physikalische Chemie (Physical Chemistry)
- Physikalische Kosmologie (Physical cosmology)
- Physikdidaktik (Physics education)
- Physiologie (Physiology)
- Physiotherapie (Physical Therapy)
- Phytochemie (Plant chemistry/Phytochemistry)
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