- Statik (Structural Engineering)
- Statistik (Computational statistics)
- Statistische Modellierung (Statistical modelling)
- Statistische Theorie (Statistical theory)
- Statistische Versuchsplanung (Design of experiments)
- Stellare Evolution (Stellar evolution)
- Stellare Nukleosynthese (Stellar nucleosynthesis)
- Steuer (Tax)
- Steuerrecht (Tax Law)
- Steuerungs-und Regelungstechnik (Control engineering)
- Steuerungstechnik (Control systems engineering)
- Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic process)
- Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
- Strafrecht (Criminal Law)
- Strafrechtspflege (Criminal justice)
- Strafverfahren (Criminal procedure)
- Strahlenbiologie (Radiobiology)
- Strahlung (Radiation)
- Straßenbau (Highway engineering)
- Strategie (Strategy)
- Strömungslehre (Fluid Physics)
- Strukturbiologie (Structural Biology)
- Strukturchemie (Structural Chemistry)
- Strukturgleichungsmodell (Structural equation model)
- Suchtpsychiatrie (Addiction psychiatry)
- Supply Chain Management (Supply chain management)
- Support Vector Machine (Support vector machine)
- Supraleiter (Superconductors)
- Symbolische Mathematik (Algebraic (symbolic) computation)
- Symbolischer Interaktionismus (Symbolic interactionism)
- Synchrone Linguistik (oder deskriptive Linguistik) (Synchronic linguistics (or Descriptive linguistics))
- Syntax (Syntax)
- Systemdynamik (Systems dynamics)
- Systemische und Hautanhangsgebilde (Systemic and Connective Tissue Disorders)
- Systemtheorie der Entwicklung (Developmental systems theory)
- Systemtheorie der Mathematik (Mathematical system theory)
- Tanz (Dance)
- Technische Akustik (Acoustical engineering)
- Technische Dokumentation (Technical writing)
- Technische Informatik (Computer engineering)
- Technische Physik (Engineering physics)
- Technologie Bildung (Technology education)
- Technologiemanagement (Technology Management)
- Teilchenphysik (Particle physics)
- Tektonik (Tectonics)
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- Telepathologie (Telepathology)
- Telology (Telology)
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